kleingewerbe oder gewerbe?
Also beim service baden württemberg kann ich nur ein gewerbe anmelden von kleingewerbe ist auf der website keine rede. sollte ich dann zuerst das gewerbe anmelden und dann im rathaus die einzelheiten besprechen da ich ja ein kleingewerbe will.
There is no ‘small trade’ in the trade order, so you can also register only one trade.
Whether it is a small business or not depends on your turnover. This is therefore irrelevant for the commercial application, since no one knows the turnover. You normally register a business. Whether it is a small business or not, you will find out at the latest on your first commercial tax return.
Where is the turnover tax or income tax law a small business? Give a Small entrepreneursregulation in § 19 of the VAT Act.
Small business = small business.. It’s not that hard to get.
Do you answer the question of whether you have taken alcohol or drugs to you with “alcohol is also a drug”?
A small business is something different than a ‘small business’. Apparently you don’t understand.
Small business = one business.
The concept of small business is in tax law.
Where exactly?
https://small industry-existenzgruendung.de/small industry tax/
You’re right. I also think you can use the language. should abolish and prohibit the language of dealing.
It is best to make a criminal offence.
there is no small business. FAKT.
there is a small business operator registration in the turnover tax. so much for your “argumentation”.
and NO, small business management and small business is NOT the same term!
https://esth.bundesfinanz Ministry.de/usth/2021/A Sales Tax Act/V Taxation/Paragraph-19/content.html
… should be part of tax law.
Also a big DANKE
Small business / small businessmen … I love this ‘word game where everyone knows ‘worlds.
Sorry with technical terms to leave no other interpretation, I will be Communication on the war path.
I find a link to a page whose information ABSOLUT is aged!
and, it was the question where in TEUERrecht. not any dubisose website!
That’s all nonsense.
There is no ‘small industry’ in income tax or turnover tax law. There is a small entrepreneurial scheme in Section 19 of the Tax Act.