Kleiner Zeh komisch?
Mein kleiner Zeh hat extrem kleine Nägel und ist komisch geschwollen bzw. dick, ich glaube das war schon immer so, der Zeh danach ist auch etwas dicker, aber weniger dick als der kleine Zeh, die anderen sehen normaler aus.
es tut nicht weh aber in engeren Schuhen merk ich oft wie er an den Seiten reibt und ein Orthopäde sagte glaube ich hätte spreizfüße und hat mir Einlagen gegeben (die bringen aber irgendwie nichts)
Hat jemand ne Idee was das am kleinen Zeh sein könnte oder ob es mit dem “spreizfuß” zutun hat?
This sounds like a tailoring ball, which can be a result of spreading feet.
Beside the inserts, make sure that you don’t wear tight shoes in the area of the forefoot.
I never wear tight shoes, usually I walk barefoot around (formerly always with socks) and had only worn normal sneakers, quite rarely there were more pretty shoes when you went to a party, but that was the takeaway
And on Google the feet look different
With me this is not on the side but the little toe directly, so on top it looks swollen
Maybe you just have wide feet so that the toes rub on the sides. If you put a picture, you could say more.
No, the little toe looks swollen from the side
Can be that my feet are also wide but the little toe looks like he was swollen
This can have x causes why the toe is set. It’s best to show this to your family doctor.
Well, I think the zeh has been so for years, of course I don’t know how it was 10 years ago, but I’m pretty sure he’s always looked like that for the last few years.