Kleinen Vogel gefunden. Was tun?
Hallo, ich habe gestern bei der Arbeit einen kleinen Vogel gefunden, der wahrscheinlich aus seinem Nest gefallen ist, da er ein verletztes Bein hat. Ich habe ihn in einen Schuhkarton mit nach Hause genommen über Nacht, da alle Auffangstationen bereits geschlossen haben.
Ich bin mir jetzt aber nicht sicher an wen ich mich jetzt wenden soll oder was ich mit dem Nestling tun soll, vielleicht kann mir da jemand helfen?!
You shouldn’t have touched or taken the bird.
Do nothing in such situations and let the nature of things run freely.
Leave the animal alone and remove yourself.
Don’t watch the bird so you don’t scare the looking birds.
Every human intervention only harms nature.
Even though it may not seem at first glance.
Man needs nature.
Conversely, nature hardly needs people.
Please note carefully the basic principles of human hygiene.
Wild animals can always also transfer diseases to humans.
If people, without possessing the expertise, take wild birds or carry out breeding attempts, this is a massive violation of the German animal welfare law.
Best regards
Please don’t feed anything first and don’t give anything to drink!
On Facebook there are the Wild Birds Emergency Group, please contact this group quickly.
Experts will then give you further instructions, they can give the bird a care center, call other suitable places for the bird or call a bird-written veterinarian if necessary (many veterinarians do not know well with wild birds, therefore it is important that the bird be brought to a bird-written veterinarian if necessary).
First you have to make an application request, write that it is an emergency. And then, after the request has been accepted, you can post a post in the group. Write the facts about how the bird goes if you have already given him something to feed/trink, which also write to it, etc. Post one or more pictures of the bird and also a picture of the feather (if available).
If you don’t have a Facebook and you don’t want to sign up there, please post someone else (family, friends, acquaintances, classmate, workmate, neighbor, …) a post into this Facebook group, this person can then forward the information to you.
Don’t feed anything (and don’t give anything to drink!) until you get more information about it in the group. It is important that the bird gets the right feed (for this it is necessary to determine what is also done in the group), also other very important things to consider when feeding, especially in Nestlingen.
You really have to consider a lot so you don’t harm a wild bird. On the Internet or elsewhere you often get false information that can be harmful or even fatal to the bird.
Päppeln / Aufzug should definitely be left to skilled people!
So turn to the above-mentioned Facebook group, there is told by experts what to do or not to do.
Is it an unfaithful nestling? Then warm in the hand until the incubator (see picture) is finished.
You will receive further instructions in the Facebook Group.
Animal rescue/reception station for birds/animals is the right address. Or the vet with the little patient.
Good luck!
This is a young bird that is still fed by his parents. Please bring him back, his parents already miss him and look for him. He’s not yours, he dies.
To the vet, now! Otherwise, he’ll starve if you lock him in the carton. You should have done this early at 08.00 h