Kleinen Bruder hassen/verachten?
Hallo, mein Name ist Emma, wie oben genannt verachte ich leider meinen kleinen Bruder extrem. Ich erzähle deswegen kurz mal eine kleine Zusammenfassung : Damals haben meine Eltern 2 Kinder bekommen, meine Schwester heißt Lisa und ich wie schon gesagt Emma. Eigentlich war immer alles ok und meine Schwester und ich hatten einen Altersunterschied von 1 Jahr. Meine Schwester war immer die ruhige Person, sehr nett aber immer schüchtern und sehr leise, ich jedoch war das komplette Gegenteil. Meine Schwester war immer ein ( Mama-Kind) während ich mehr das ( Papa-Kind) war. Mein Vater liebte mich wirklich sehr, ich habe seine Augen geerbt, welche ganz Grün sind während meine Mutter und meine Schwester braune Augen hatten. Es war für mich besonders und Einzigartig wie mein Vater zu sein, er war wirklich mein Vorbild. 9 Jahre später war meine Mutter wieder schwanger, wir freuten und alle bis zu dem Tag als es ein Junge war.. Anfangs liebte ich meinen Kleinen Bruder jedoch veränderte es meine Welt zu meinem Vater, er liebte unseren Bruder so sehr das ich wie unsichtbar für ihn war. Mein Vater fing an mich zu schlagen.. das einzige was ich abbekommen hatte war ein Schlag ins Gesicht oder gegen die Wand gedrückt zu werden, währen mein Bruder alles bekommen hat was er wollte. Ich wollte mein Vater genau 9 Jahre wieder zurück zu mir bringen, aber es wurde schlimmer, mein Vater sagte zu meiner Mutter ich sei Krank.. er sagte ich solle aufgrund “Aggressionsstörungen” in eine Psychiatrie. Es hat mir mein Herz gebrochen meinen Vater so über mich redeb zu hören, ich war seitdem mein Bruder auf der Welt war sehr Laut bzw frech. Mein Vater ging nach paar Jahren fremd und hat uns verlassen.. meine Eltern trennten sich doch mein Vater sieht meinen Bruder heute immer noch, und ja er kauft ihm alles was er will. Während ich fragen muss ob er mir was leihen könne und es ihm dann immer zurück zahlen musste, bekam mein Bruder alles. Jedes Ipad jedes Handy es gehörte meinem Bruder und das im Alter von 9
Ich bin jetzt 17 Jahre alt und mein Bruder wie gesagt 9 wir leben zusammen bei meiner Mutter ohne unseren Vater, doch immer wenn ich meinen Bruder sehe, kommt ein Hass auf.. ich hasse ihn so sehr aber liebe ihn zu 10% auch.. jedoch ist der Hass so groß das ich es krank finde. Ich hasse mich dafür das ich meinen kleinen Bruder so hasse, nur wegen meines Vaters, ich wollte mein Vater zurück jedoch entwickelte sich so nur Wut und Hass. Ich frage mich daher ist es normal ? Ist es normal das ich meinen unschuldigen Kleinen Bruder so hasse? Er hat mir nie etwas getan und wenn er fragte zum spielen sagte ich oft nein und ging.. ich kann meine Wut nicht ändern und mein Hass. Kann mir jemand sagen was ich tun kann? Oder ob es normal ist?
Love Emma
It makes me very sad. In fact, I also despised my little brother, even though he could not do anything for it. That’s normal. You really should talk to your brother.
LG Firefox
Your brother can’t do anything for it. You should judge your anger against your father, if ever. It would be best to learn more regulated. A therapy may be necessary for this.
Even if your aversion is absolutely understandable to your brother, you should ask if you really want to write it to him. Are you serious about making him responsible for his birth and talking guilty? Do you want him to suffer for something he has no control? He’s looking for contact with you. Maybe you should just take this and see your brother instead of a parasite.
You seem to realize that your brother can’t do anything about it. Ask yourself if it might be time to talk to him about why you feel that way. I honestly didn’t confess.
Maybe you should talk to a therapist about how you best deal with the feelings of your little brother.
I mean, he’s only nine, but he’s probably gonna recognize. that your father greatly favors you. Maybe it’ll be easier for him to understand that you’re provoking your hatred on your father.
Lg, Nicki
What you’re saying makes me rather sad and you’re so sorry. I know how it is to be beaten by parents.
You have absolutely no fault. Trust me.
I think in your situation it’s normal to think so. I think it’s good that you realized that your little brother really has no responsibility. It makes you sympathetic that you regret feeling that way.
This knowledge is really important.
Only when we reflect on ourselves and recognize our thoughts, emotions and actions, we have the opportunity to work on it and change.
I firmly believe that you will be able to sort your feelings and learn to love your little brother again.
I’m very sorry that you also had to bear haunting violence, thank you for your nice answer I wish you a wonderful day and hope you don’t have to bear such violence anymore
Thank you very much. For you also wish a beautiful Sunday.
I don’t have to bear it anymore. I’m 36 now and I’ve broken down all the contacts with my family.
It’s normal to be loved by his parents to be too comfortable and just the people you admire or because you have a special bond can hurt you or destroy the most important is but still your brother has ever done what you could not forgive me with me was a nightmare and he has hurt everyone should never hurt your brother you wanted to be your father for his big brother and not your brother thinks
A bit far is that normal, but not good or healthy for yourself and anyway unfair to your brother. As you said yourself, your brother never did anything to whom you can be mad is your father.
I can’t imagine how painful it must be to hear his father talk about himself, but you should try to talk to a therapist about it because they are trained for it.
How that sounds your brother will always be a better family member for you than your father, I wonder why he changed his behavior so much to you
Thank you for this nice and helpful answer, she really made me think. Thank you. Why my father is like that, I’m afraid I don’t know only that he’s always wanted a son. Of course, he changed extremely as this became true
I’m happy if I could somehow help you, and you’ve got some new thoughts to reflect.
Of these limited information, one can only assume, and actually it would not be a bad idea to ask him that himself and show him your perspective. Sometimes people don’t understand/realize their own behavior until you jmd keeps him a “mirror in front of the face” in the transmitted sense by talking about it. Sometimes things change (always can’t be).
Sometimes it is so that the children suffer from the fact that the father subconsciously builds a dislike against the mother and thus becomes the daughters. And if he went outside and left you, that’s a good way.
But that would only make sense if he was your sister.
But to be honest, this makes little difference, which is why he was acting like this is second. Beinghaved to you is/was as unfair as yours to your brother. And that can be a vicious circle
Your father, in my opinion, hasn’t earned your respect for a long time, doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to make a turn of cries and regret everything. but this is his burden and not yours
Wish you everything good
Your brother can’t let your hatred out of him, show that you love him so hard it falls to you.
So, as I see, your father sucks and your brother is cool. You have to overcome this and not despise him. He can’t do anything for how your father behaves.