Kleine Schüssel Jogurt mit Apfel gegessen wird das noch verdauet oder nehme ich zu?
Ich hab grade noch eine kleine schüßel Jogurt mit Apfel und bisschen Birne gegessen werde ich jetzt zunehmen oder wird das noch verdaut also wird das in fett umgewandelt oder
Where’s the difference? If it is converted to fat DANN, you should
But I don’t think you’re taking it. Jogurt has very little calories, as well as fruits were also there vitamins. I hope it tasted
Good night
No I meant that it is not now needed to process whether it is simply converted into fat Google once said
Everything will be digested and depending on how many calorie are in, you will also take it.
Of course, your food is digested. Otherwise, eating would be quite pointless.
Yes without digestion we were extinct