kleine risse in der pupille von meinem kater?

huhu, hab mal nh frage,

mein kater hat in seinem rechten auge so kleine risse in der Pupille und das sieht immer total crazy aus, er sieht mit dem auge normal

wollte nur mal wissen ob jemandes katze das auch hat, vielleicht weiß ja sogar jemand was das ist

er hatte das schon bevor ich ihn gekauft habe

ich habe hier jetzt nochmal ein bild von besagten kater hinzufügt wo normales licht auf die augen scheint. er-hat-ganz-normale-augen.

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9 months ago

To the veterinarian, ideally one specialized in eyes. The picture above is absolutely not a healthy eye.

9 months ago
Reply to  Vivienchayen

Yes, you can find. For example, for veterinarians who are specialized in eyes. And Google is the absolutely wrong point of contact for animal health. The right thing would be, as I said, a vet. You can’t judge whether it’s good or evil. In a star zB no inflammation has to be there, but if you leave it too long untreated, the animal eventually becomes blind.

See e.g. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHqDwDEnOks/?igsh=M3ltdm4zdHgxcmFm

Why do you ask here if you think it’s better to know anyway?

9 months ago

will not be running unnecessarily to the veterinarian just to let me know what exactly this is now

All right, you were with the veterinarian at once 😉

And hit dogs bark the loudest. But if you have no more arguments, you have to be insulting. Shame!

9 months ago

How do you know everything’s okay if you weren’t with the vet? Some people shouldn’t keep animals. Unbelievable.

The eye is not healthy and not normal. Point.

By the way: some people take something quite seriously here and report it according to the Vet office. With such obvious neglect, they usually like to move.

9 months ago

Our cat didn’t. What did your veterinarian say when you made him aware of this eye?

9 months ago
Reply to  Vivienchayen

If a vet doesn’t even know…

will not be running unnecessarily to the veterinarian just to let me know what exactly this is now

I doubt you were with him for that reason.

9 months ago

I think he has a gray star. You should be a vet.

9 months ago
Reply to  Vivienchayen

No, they’re obviously not. The picture above is not a healthy eye.

9 months ago

Also too cloudy.