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5 months ago

Preliminary: Any drug can cause bad reactions, but this is not unlikely to be a type-dependent one!

The consumption of MDMA and its risks and side effects are strongly dose-dependent. Age, gender, body weight, health condition (such as kidney and liver function), psychic predispositiion and the sensitivity of the cosumer, as well as the environment can affect consumption.

It is important to never carry out such a consumption alone in the best case. You should always have people around you if there should be a dangerous condition.

So frequent direct side effects are, for example: turbidity of vigilance, psychomotoric disorder, headache, dizziness and nausea, muscle cramps etc.

After consumption, i.e. hours to days later, the following medium-term side effects can occur: insomnia, drivelessness, depressive detuning, anxiety disorders.

It’s important! One should not consume alcohol in combination with MDMA, because this can be life-threatening and lead, for example, to liver and kidney failure.

There are other side effects, but this would be too much to tell it.

So, if you really want to take what I wouldn’t advise anyone: safe environment (people around you who feel comfortable with), no alcohol and in any case not too much of that shit. Otherwise it becomes life-threatening and can bring you to the coma in the worst case.

5 months ago

You can’t say that. A small dose is relative. It also depends on whether you’ve taken it before. Whether you have experiences with Btm. In addition, it is pure MDMA etc. So for testing, you shouldn’t be alone if you don’t have any experience.