Kleinanzeigen steuerfrei bleiben?

Servus, habe paar kaputte Rasenmäher herumstehen die ich mal geschenkt bekommen habe, wenn ich die wieder repariere und verkaufe, mach ich mich dann strafbar bzw muss Steuern zahlen? Wie ist das geregelt? Ich erziele ja dadurch etwas Gewinn… Natürlich ohne Gewähr und Rücknahme was eben unter jeder Kleinanzeige steht.

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10 months ago

If you sell your old lawnmowers, private sales and tax-free.

But if you care for lawnmowers to resell them with profit, you’re already doing business. The trade law does not know allowances. And whoever runs a trade, he must also register with the trade office from the beginning. And of course, a trader must take over warranty.

10 months ago

Is it private, isn’t it? No, no taxes.

10 months ago
Reply to  maxknecht13

It’s exactly right here.

https://www.morgenpost.de/ratgeber/article241512412/Kleinanzeigen-eBay-Co-Financial Office-will-now-active.html#:~:text=The%20Greens%20hierf%C3%BCr%20clear,muss%20dem%20Financial Office%20 reported%20.

10 months ago
Reply to  Hummingbird666

No, the things are sold with intention of winning. Therefore, it is not a private sale, but a significant commercial interest.

These revenues are therefore taxable, even though only a few hundred Eurs are taxable. However, whether taxes are actually incurred, the remaining income is also incurred.