Kleinanzeigen Nutzer zahlt nicht, wie regel ich das?


Ich bin neu bei Kleinanzeigen und verkaufe dort nur ein paar Kleinigkeiten.

Eine Nutzerin wollte am 13.01.25 ein Buch von mir kaufen (mit Porto 9,50€) und sie wollte mit Überweisung bezahlen. Wir haben dann die Daten ausgetauscht und ich habe das Buch am 13.01. für diese Nutzerin reserviert.

Bis zum 16.01.25 ging kein Geld auf mein Konto ein und ich habe sie nochmal höflich daran erinnert und geschrieben, wenn sie das Buch nicht mehr möchte soll sie das bitte mitteilen.

Am 17.01. schrieb sie dann, sie hätte die Überweisung total vergessen, macht das aber jetzt sofort.

Auf Nachfrage bei Kleinanzeigen wurde mir mitgeteilt, dass man das selbst regeln muss, da Kleinanzeigen mit diesem Kaufvertrag nichts zu tun hat; ich aber die Nutzerin beim Support weiter melden kann, wenn es Probleme mit ihr gibt.

Aber bis zum 22.01. Abends kam ihr Geld nicht auf mein Konto an.

Ich habe deshalb gestern Abend den Verkauf widerrufen, weil sie nicht gezahlt hat.

Habe ich so alles richtig gemacht ?

Wer kennt sich aus ?

Vielen Dank im voraus.

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1 month ago

Classifieds Users don’t pay, how do I do that?

The usual, as with all purchase contracts:
Put it in late payment (written, comprehensible!) and pay in a grace period. (Sollen be 14 days!)

Then you can think towards a reminder or the like.

I revoked the sale last night because she didn’t pay.

What’s that? BGB is not.
You’ve got to take this before.

1 month ago
Reply to  mchawk777

PS: Interesting, how many recommendations have been made here, which are completely contrary to the BGB.
In the case of Toi, Toi, Toi.
This can even in doubt lead to the fact that you have to pay him a replacement product – even if it should be more expensive.

1 month ago


Yeah, that was okay. You could have given her 5-10 days until you had revoked.

There’s always sloppy on classifieds that make up something like that.

Just like permanent savers, which then simply do not appear at the pick-up date.

1 month ago

I wish you a lot of stamina and good nerve when using classifieds. I’ve used long classifieds and I’m shocked by people’s lack of respect and lies.

Yeah, you did everything right.

1 month ago

If I had done the same, you don’t have to, like, “buyers.” Don’t forget to report.

1 month ago

Basically all right.

However, you should remember that not all people are working with online banking, using Paypal, etc.
I know very many (also younger) who still fill out a transfer agent and throw into the mailbox at the bank because they do not trust the privacy on the Internet and/or are afraid of hacking the account online.

And that can take a few days longer if you don’t come by the bank every day, don’t have bank transfer agents at home and then the analog processing takes longer at the bank than the digital way. And there’s nothing going on the weekend… so a transfer that was launched on 17.01. would be at the earliest on 20.01. at the bank. Two weeks of time should be planned.

1 month ago
Reply to  Jo2025

As I said, it’s just something I’m thinking about.
“I’ll pass this today” was used to mean that we’ll take the transfer to the bank today (stop the box).

As I said, I would never expect (!) money to enter me within 2 or 3 days. More than 1 to 2 weeks. And good, you can always forget something.

By the way: “Payable immediately” does not mean “today” even for the large shipping companies, but in a reasonable period of several days.

By the way, according to the law, a transfer may only last 1 bank day and not 14 days or 30 days.

Wrong. Significant ads may take 2 working days (Mo-Fr). And these two days apply to the processing by the bank, not to the reaction time of the paying person.

I also work with online banking today. My parents don’t. They run to the bank, where the next branch is a few kilometers away. So it can take one or two, maybe three days, until they come by. If the bank’s SB-Filiale bank’s bank transfer on Friday morning (letter box will always be emptied early in the morning), then the transfer will not go to the main office until Monday morning. For two days of processing (which are allowed) the money would then be transferred on Wednesday. If the transfer could be reasonably read by the scanner, which is unfortunately not even so easy for many manuscripts.

So a week is not an unusual duration.

1 month ago

In my opinion. I have a little feeling to discuss with a primary school child – and my time is really too bad for me.

Just as a hint of a gf newbie: If you can’t respect other people’s opinion, you shouldn’t ask for other people’s opinion here.

End and user locked.

1 month ago

Yes, I understand that you want to be paid for your sale.

I just look at your “estatement” as unrealistic.
A payment as you present it to you within 1 or 2 days should simply not work in 99.9% of all cases.

In addition, you twist the thing, as your example with the Hermes shop clearly shows. Because the question is, as in my previous answer, already written, whoever is guilty when.
You are not guilty of sending the goods to the customer if he has not yet paid. If he has paid, then of course you have to give him the goods in a reasonable time (not today or tomorrow, but not only in 4 weeks). Or you send the goods to the customer first, then of course it must also pay in a reasonable time.

In the end, as a seller, you define the rules. And if you decide to sell the goods to another customer after 2 days without cash receipt, that is your good right. Only in this way will you not make friends with the buyers, get bad reviews and then in the long term have very hard to sell something.

1 month ago

P.s. can I leave in return for 4 weeks until I send the book? Same right!!!

4 weeks certainly not. But nothing would talk about 3 or 4 days. After the money has been received with you.
And depending on the transport time by the postal service provider, this can actually take a few days.

It is also a question of legal order:
If the buyer has already paid you money, you are also in duty to deliver. Other: If you have already delivered the goods, the buyer is also in the duty to pay.

1 month ago

Is everyday at classifieds. Revocations and resetting.

And be careful with your bank details. I myself sell after bad experiences with bank data fraud only against bars or Paypal friends

1 month ago

Yeah, it’s all right.

1 month ago

Yes you have where is now the question xD

Dultus, UserMod Light
Reply to  Eeveedream

where is now the question xD

You answered. The demand is strange considering that you answered “yes you”.