Kleinanzeigen IP Sperrung?
Ich wurde auf Kleinanzeigen vorübergehend gesperrt, warum weiß ich nicht.
Ich habe letzte Woche noch etwas verkauft und es gab keine Probleme. Mein Geld habe ich aber noch nicht erhalten.
Bekomme ich die Auszahlung noch?
Ich wurde auf Kleinanzeigen vorübergehend gesperrt, warum weiß ich nicht.
Ich habe letzte Woche noch etwas verkauft und es gab keine Probleme. Mein Geld habe ich aber noch nicht erhalten.
Bekomme ich die Auszahlung noch?
Ich kann auf Amazon nicht mit Paypal bezahlen, wieso?
Hallo, Ein Interessent hat mein Produkt mit ‚Sicher Bezahlen‘ gekauft, was ich noch nie benutzt habe.. Ich würde gerne wissen , ob ich die 8 € für mein Produkt und 5 Euro Versand extra bekomme..? Oder bekomme ich jetzt nur 2,50 € für das Produkt und 5,50€ für den Versand? Danke schonmal für Antworten
außerdem habe ich sehr interesse am verkaufen von online folower kann mir wer Tipps geben ?
Hi! Ich bin Neu Kunde bei Amazon, hab ein Gutschein eingelöst und auch ein Prime Abo geholt. Allerdings kann ich nichts bestellen. Alles was ich kaufe, wird von Amazon automatisch storniert. In der E-Mail steht kein Grund sondern nur “Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten, Bestellung wurde storniert und es wurden keine Abbuchungen vorgenommen” Was kann…
Hi, ich habe vor 3 Tagen eine Klarna Bestellung getätigt. (30 Tage später zahlen). Ich habe eine E Mail bekommen von dem Laden, wo ich bestellt habe, dass mein Produkt in den nächsten 48 Stunden bearbeitet wird. Ich sollte also nach 48 Stunden eine E Mail zur Versandbestätigung und Sendungsverfolgung bekommen. Ich habe bis jetzt…
Ich möchte online ein gebrauchten Gegenstand kaufen. Der Verkäufer hat mir die paypal adresse gesendet gibt es so eine andresse? Den Namen ersetze ich durch sternchen damit es anonym bleibt, Dr.***@me.com
Seems to be a problem with classifieds, many have. However, as it does not stand in the message that your IP address has been blocked, but the entire IP area can be, it should not be a mistake that your neighbor has made anything unauthorized. I’m sure you’ll get the payout.
Got the same problem and don’t even sell something, just buy things from time to time. Most likely to be on ebay small ads
I can only confirm that I was temporarily blocked…
Tomorrow the headline “Kleinanzeigen loses all users due to an error all Acc locked” 😀
With me too is locked
Obviously, you should know that the following symbols 😀 represent a flat Smiley as he writes a flat Smiley in front of this message that will not have been very serious
Also characters like xD ;D also indicate that a message is not meant so seriously
Unfortunately, I still haven’t found anything official from classifieds what was really going on would be interesting it was just a breakdown or it was an attack on classifieds
The statement that the account was unlocked again was obviously not a joke, but is not further relevant.
Like we said, jokes!! Are you kidding me? The fact that we were not really locked is clear to us also nix had to do with the IP was a technical error of classifieds as it happened is not yet known
Haha we evil sluts are allowed to go back in 😂😂
As already said, your account was never blocked, but your IP area. Your account has nothing to do with that.
😀 My account has been released…
That was a joke and not my serious but no it will not send any emails that just works again whether it was just a fault or an attack on classifieds, where possibly even data has been slipped through, we will not know for the first time
In such a massive disturbance, mails with reconnaissance may be sent. Would be good for classifieds at least. The accounts themselves were not blocked either.
I’ve just happened
Works on no cell phones, tried several, only pc goes
Is definitely a problem from its side
Seems to be a general problem…
I had been thinking enormously again, as I was hacked about a year ago.
So as long as it’s just a problem of classifieds… 🙆🏽 ♀️😁
Got it, but on the phone. On PC everything runs normal
Had the same but also had VPN on so don’t know if this was due but just to turn off phone WLAN then it went again
Hello together,
I also have the problem not to reach via Home Netzt or via Mobile Networks.
Right here. Was just a little speechless. Just wanted to see if this is still there on Lake Merkliste. Zack this message.
I’ve sold a DVD today. After sending the consignment number to the buyer, it happened.
The guy I’m sorry now
Me too. Will probably have a problem with classifieds :3
I also had it and put the phone in the flight mode for a short time, after which it worked again.
Got the message right now. Think that has almost everyone
The same thing to me
The same thing with me. I thought I was chopped.
Try mobile data on the phone then I went again!^^
I have the same problem right now. Was on writing with a person who wanted to buy my product and now my IP area would be blocked…. Hope this is a mistake from ebay
Have the same problem…have nix just wanted to look for something and then wait this message…naja wait and drink tea
Delicious tea😂
30 minutes before you. Maybe someone can write something about what it is and what you can do now? Greetings
We have also just got both me and my girlfriend who is not in the same IP area have just gotten little scary but there has been classifieds what jacked
Here as well, on the phone suddenly came this popup… Calm it’s a lot like this…
Same problem
Maybe hackers?
Probably na juhu if all our phone numbers could land in the darknet but also could be just a panne
The same 🫣
The same problem with me. I thought my account had been hacked.
I’m all right now.
I have actually just got the same message my acc is also locked but why I don’t know
This is the same thing, this afternoon everything went. Just wanted to find something, and this message came
Is that right?
I just got the same problem
The same problem here:/
I’m locked. Nothing happened….
Was with me too, now we go again
I’m fine. Take a look at you to calibrate
Merci <3
With me, too.
Here the same one. Also, the message IP area is blocked beforehand.
I didn’t do anything
I also 😳
With me the same 😑
With us the same.
I also have the message:(
With me too
It can be reached again. LG
I’ve got the same message. Think there’s a general problem right now. Don’t worry.
With me too and the whole family gets the message
Got the same problem
Here also 🙋 ♀️
I have the same problem again today.
Is there someone else like that?