Kleinanzeigen Geschäftskonto teuer?
Mein Bekannter ist selbstständiger Webdesigner und zahlt 180€ / Monat für sein Geschäftskonto dort und meckert, dass es verdammt teuer ist und dass oft sein Nutzerkonto eingeschränkt wird.
Hat er Recht und warum wird es oft eingeschränkt ?
Er ist Pole in Deutschland und versteht die deutschen Gesetze nicht.
180€ are also quite a lot
.. especially if there are also indentations. Maybe he should look for alternatives if the 180 euros are too burdensome.
He doesn’t know about German laws? You seem to know a lot about this guy. He’s obviously in a difficult time, he’s trying to substantiate him instead of here to abląstern!
Kląr can give him some German laws, maybe this will help him get out of this difficult phase. If you support each other, both sides benefit.
In case of demand, just ask. I am very happy
I just cheated on my interests. Now all Pole-based Beitrąge will be displayed to me. And hardly that was the case, two of your questions have been shown to me! I was happy! Although I didn’t think I could say much about these special topics, I still decided to try. I hope I could help you.
Hej, do you actually draw the ⭐s most answers ⭐ ⭐
At some point, you will surely become community expert on the topic polen ദ്ദി(˶˃ ˂˶ ˂˶)
180€ is fierce, my company is at the commerzbank with the most expensive account there is with about 60€/month and why is it restricted?
It’s about a subscription for his business account on the portal classifieds. No bank account.
Costs for commercial suppliers
Well-mean tip for him: he should save his money, there are no jobs that are worth it (unless he calculates with hourly rates below 10€/hour… that’s about the level there – but then he’s better off with a minimum wage job).
Which bank does your buddy want to have this business account?
and that its user account is often restricted.
What kind of user account is the speech and limitation?
Your colleague has agreed to the terms and conditions of his bank.
An account can also be redeemed easily.
Moreover, the cost of a business account is one of the operating costs and must therefore be taken into account in price calculation.
Maybe he should change the bank, I pay 10€ for a business account at Sparkasse.
It’s about a subscription for his business account on the portal classifieds. No bank account.
Oh, my mistake.