Classified ad fraud? – Can a seller change the item title?
I was talking to a seller on classifieds about buying a video game.
He had specified a location, which, as it turned out, was no longer correct. So, pickup was not possible.
We agreed on a shipping method and I sent an offer/he reserved the game for me.
Now, my accusation is that the seller changed the item title and images again. I don't know if this was before the reservation/before my offer or after. I didn't perceive the item image and the gray reserved overlay as anything different.
I didn't even look at the article again and just paid since we were already talking anyway.
Can something like this be done on the seller's side without the buyer being notified?
Was I just being too stupid and misreading the names after browsing through 10 articles?
I repeated the original search query in the classifieds, and the other item, which I now seem to be buying (delivery is currently in progress), is not suggested at all, which is why I am very surprised.
If it's up to me, I'll take the loose one. But if that's possible for the seller, I'll let them know and see what happens.
I just don't want the seller to have to wait for his money because of my stupidity if it's my fault.
Please don’t write eBayif you Classifieds mean.
These are two completely different platforms that nothingbut also nothing have to do with each other.
Click: The differences between eBay and Classifieds
But whatever:
Of course you can.
And how exactly?
Why would he have to wait for his money if you already paid?
I don’t know the platforms like that, sry.
Thought that is Ebay classifieds and is ebay. That’s what I know.
I paid internal payment via the classifieds. I thought the seller will receive the money only when I receive the product/ not report
In other words, there is the possibility that the seller has changed the title of the article and the pictures, without having to get it to sell the wrong article?
That was still never the same platform, even before the final separation.
Then you should inform yourself, the link is up.
Of course there is this possibility; and this is only a the differences between eBay and Classifieds.
I can’t judge that.
Wait until the article arrives, only then can you do something within the scope of buyer protection.
Now it gets a little clearer. Thus the seller has not reserved anything, but sold to you. I urge you to wait when and if you catch the goods. You even write, you wrote down something as a screenshot or you or saved in the mails to provide evidence. So better. pay function small indicator: the better. Possibly, they also saved the originals.
If you get the wrong merchandise, this is indeed fraud. But you have to wait for the goods.
You expect a lot:
Classifieds is free and therefore also offers none at all Support, either by phone or by email.
Thank you for the information.
Big mistake, you see what can get out of it.
Well, that was also in all mouths for months and was also published by classifieds in an unfaithful manner.
But comfort, you’re not the only one. 😉
It was never the concept of Classifieds was always a completely different one than that of eBay.
This is scary that classified ads do not notify such serious changes in the product.
Thank you for the information.
And apologise my ignorance, but it is simply not possible to deal with every single platform.
From something like a final separation, I never got anything.
I always thought it was a sub-application, for smaller objects or such
I have no screenshots or similar.
I’m seeing the article I seem to have bought right now.
That means I know what’s going to happen. And what will arrive is not what I had originally clicked for the purchase, since then the title was different, etc.
Can I really not do anything yet?
I will be able to take a picture of it when the game comes and then say it’s a wrong game. However, the product side is then reflected with said product.
I don’t understand why small ads don’t notify you, should there be such changes in the ad if you’re already in conversation with the seller
Clear answer:
YES, it is possible to change the title, description and images of a quote at any time.
Even if it was “reserved” by the provider.
Only when the offer is deleted because it is sold, it has no access to it anymore and it remains stored as it last looked.
There is at least one way to determine whether the title of the offer has been changed after the first contact with the seller.
You will receive all the seller’s messages by email to the mailbox.
And you see the title of the offer in the subject.
If you are right, the subject in the first mails of the seller is a different one than now in the currently displayed purchase.
It’s a different question whether you use anything. For the payment service OPP only the version of the offer is relevant at the time of purchase. That the offer during your negotiations may have been changed by the seller before, it does not matter for OPP, as they have no access to it, that is only a payment service provider based in the Netherlands.
Unfortunately, I don’t understand anything at all, but you should distinguish:
EBAY is not QUESTIONS – the former EBAY small display portal hasn’t been available for a long time and is NOT called that.
What’s your problem now? That the seller has set the same or a similar article with other pictures? Sorry, I really don’t understand what you want to know.
Can you describe it that you understand?
Can it be, the seller put another one in? When “my” buyer paid, I always delete my ads. And if I like, I’ll put something else in. Everything at the same time is sometimes too much for me.
What’s going on? And if it’s the right thing, it’s okay.
We were talking about an article.
My accusation is that the seller processed the article while we were talking about it.
The question is whether such a thing is possible to change the article title and the pictures without the buyer/interested person getting wind.
if you didn’t put it on “remember” nothing happens. If the article is changed only in the description, I honestly do not know. But I still don’t know what you’re complaining about. While you were in conversation, and he changed the ad, you haven’t paid yet.
Please write that you understand.
In the case of advertisements, I am not obliged to reserve or maintain this reservation. As often as I sat on my business, and the buyer has not paid or worse, he did not come…. Conversely, of course, this is also non-binding.
Like I said, I don’t know what you’re doing.
unless he did a screenshot or in the mails what egwritten to the name of the product. If that really happens, I’m warned. To come to such a mess, honestly, who thinks of this.
I’d definitely show this and make it public.
He’s done the first step to question it here. That’s too little.
We’ve also looked right about fraud, knowing we don’t get any money back. But you got the woman.
Another time I reported something, and then he got locked.
So nothing is wrong. If it’s a scam, the FS has to be active, otherwise the one continues to hurt. In addition to the personal danger that this work is for free for the FS, as he may not see the money again. This is the way in which the security payment system is leveraged, so I cannot yet judge how it goes. I’m glad you know that.
Please let the FS reply as it went on.
The questioner has actually quite clearly described what happened.
He should have just looked at the offer before the final purchase, then he would not have clicked on buy and of course not paid.
However, since he did not come up with the idea that the seller secretly, quietly and quietly revises and changes the complete offer during their negotiations, he has pressed the instant shopping button and bought the offer that the seller had already reserved for him.
If you are sure, the offer will now be displayed exactly as he bought it. There is now (example) “3 packets of flour to 1 kg each” and on the picture there are also 3 packets of flour. Its package will therefore also contain 3 packets of flour.
What is he supposed to report to “Sicher bezahen”?
It has bought 3 kilos of flour for 100 euros and is obtained 3 kilos of flour.
From the video game he actually wanted to buy for 100 euros, the purchased and saved offer is no longer a trace.
Because it’s a mess anyway, what the FS writes, we just wait. But most of all, I’m interested in how safe to pay would actually be as useless as you describe it. Since this case hasn’t occurred to you yet, and for the first time, you can’t even know that.
I also skeptical, seems to be a little left to me, but put the head in the sand that do nothing, nothing will help.
I hope, however, that the FS writes as it goes on.
His experience would certainly be interesting for both of us.
What comes will be exactly what he bought has. (And therefore every attempt to report a different article will be condemned to failure.)
It’s not what he buys wanted.
Because the seller only reserved the article for the FS, then discussed with him a while back and forth and the FS then clicked directly on “buy” without looking at the description of the reserved article again.
However, the seller had now changed completely unnoticed, so that the FS has now bought and paid something completely different than what was originally offered at the beginning of the sales negotiations in this advertisement.
With this bag, the “pay safe” was completely released. I hear that for the first time, but is simple and effective.
And a “fraud” in the sense of criminal law is probably not present, because the buyer could have read the description again before the purchase and then cancel the purchase.
For OPP, Classifieds does not care about the bean.
see also above. I wrote something else. Why don’t you look at the rights yourself if you’re one of the few who are reasonably protected by the pay function. Just wait, what’s coming. And then get active. Because of the payment function, I hope you’re protected. Then report it all to small ads, but HAVE YOU!
I wrote back and forth with a salesman.
Had asked if pickup is possible etc.
However, as the place of residence was no longer up to date -> I asked if an order was possible.
He said yes (already on this point the article was reserved for me).
I didn’t use a feature to notice or similar, just the chat history.
After choosing a shipping option, I sent an offer (I’m always navigating about the chats, so I’ve never been on the product page anymore).
Now I believe that the seller has changed the article title and the pictures before the offer was accepted/ sent.
I’ve been paying since I went out to buy something else. The item is just shipping.
First I discovered the whole thing