kleinanzeigen betrug?
meine mutter hat schuhe von kleinanzeigen gekauft, allerdings über paypal bezahlt
das ganze liegt schon zwei wochen zurück und der verkäufer hat uns blockiert und seinen account gelöscht
können wir irgendwie das geld zurückbekommen?
Your mother will certainly have paid by merchandise & services and not – contrary to the terms and conditions of Paypal – by friends & family. So it can easily open a case by Paypal
If you have been paid with buyer protection (goods and services), you will report a non-delivery article and get your money back.
Otherwise your money is gone.
Contact PayPal and repay. Call PayPal best morning and explain the case. Those of PayPal know how to get to your money.
Answer deleted again, my mistake.
I don’t know about paypal and that’s why I asked about
where is DEIN problem?