Small child doesn’t respond to names?


My wife and I have an 18-month-old child, and she doesn't respond to her name. It's not just her name; even if you just speak to her, she rarely looks at you; she tends to focus on whatever is currently occupying her mind. Of course, she sometimes looks at you, but it's not really possible to have a conversation.

When she wants something, I usually understand her gestures. For example, she's started taking my hand more often and placing it on something, like her belt, to indicate she wants me to untie her. Or when she wants to open a bottle and realizes she can't do it herself, she takes my hand and places it there.

She babbles a lot, mostly her own sounds that she made when she was very small. Like "Ohh," "Baba," "Shiii Shiii," "Tsee Tsee," and many other sounds that I can't even put into words.

She can already walk on her own and stand up and well, I'm just worried because the doctor says that everything is normal.

Some symptoms also worry me, like when she bangs her head on the floor when she's angry or stressed (but I've read that's how they relieve stress). I usually put a pillow in front of her. Another thing she often does is, when it's too loud or she's scared, take her hands and place them on her head/ears.

She also doesn't make much noise in general, and when other babies cry, she cries too.

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2 years ago

Hallihallo 🙂

A mistake or health impairment would definitely have been found in one of the U-investigations.

That’s why I’m with the doctor and I don’t see any reason to worry. Our 3 children were all different in behavior.

Don’t worry. Of course, you can get a feedback from the pediatrician at any time.

Greetings, Christoph🖖💨

2 years ago
Reply to  MANSORY007

In the U investigations we see the kids a few minutes, which are just standardized check up’s – no more. It is only assessed whether the development of children is moving in a specific reference area.

I advise the FS to arrange an appointment for a more thorough investigation.

2 years ago


I’ve heard of something similar where the child can’t hear well.

1 year ago

Listening to your own name is a development step. Babies do not perceive themselves as their own person, so they can’t start with their name. I’m not sure when this step comes about, but it can be that this is still in the “standard”.

Still, that sounds like a hearing problem for me. Apparently, she’s not deaf, because she’s disturbing loud sounds. But maybe she doesn’t hear certain areas. But this is very difficult to determine for infants. There’s a simple process called tympanometry. The state of the middle ear can thus be assessed. The mobility of the eardrum and the eardrums can be tested with this. There is a device with a kind of earphone that transmits vibrations to the ear. The child hears a few sounds, and often the devices have a display with a car or something that “hupts” so that the child can start with the sound. Was that something done? You can avoid certain problems. (For technically interested: the device performs an impedance feed of the middle ear.)

However, whether the child actually hears is not to be found. If there is damage in the area of the hearing screw, or if it is a problem in the auditory nerve or in the brain, the method described is not possible. Here you only remain to continue to promote the child and pay attention to their reactions. Children do not make the development steps all in the same order and not in the standardized time.

I often think of a child of friends with whom many years thought it was mentally disabled. It said late, it often did not participate in the games of other children, but only looked at, it painted, but nothing recognizable, at school it was bad at first. The parents didn’t let themselves go and told everyone that their child was right. And they were right. The child soon went up to the top form at school, studying today.

2 years ago

My little girl is 17 months old. I’ll go to two groups of crabs where there are loud children of the same age. Your child sounds normal to me compared to the same age. Smell the head on the ground when they are frustrated, make them. My daughter doesn’t really listen to her name, but everything else I say understands her. So go to the kitchen, get your doll, clean up your shoes. Some things have to be said more often, some things make them equal

2 years ago

Maybe she doesn’t want to do it either. They have their own head at the age. But they understand a lot. My daughter is generally speaking very far. The other children are starting to talk and they can already set 2 words. That’s why I can understand your problems because the other parents are all talking like that and my child is after when they hear my daughter talking. But I think she’s just interested in this case, so we’ll read her a lot. She’s been here at 9 months, so she said shit.

2 years ago

I used to be with our daughter at the HNO (because of another disease). There I was determined in the waiting room that I would tell the doctor that I think our daughter is hearing hard. Before me, a mother came out of the office with her toddler and had a powdery head. She cried out that she didn’t understand why the child doesn’t listen to her, but the doctor says everything is fine with her ears. Ups, I didn’t ask my question. Unfortunately, it is often so and believe me, it is unfortunately not better with increasing age.

2 years ago

Have you done a test?

2 years ago
Reply to  Gensis98

the doctor also looked into her ears

You can’t decide if or how a child can hear. I’m not sure, but you don’t look at children?

it reacts to noise and noise

But not in language? You don’t write that she recognizes words. Does she react when you whisper from behind without seeing you?

I’m sensitive to children, because a creeping eye was not treated in time with me as a toddler. Doctor: “Small children are already turning their eyes. This is.” The creeping eye, which is too late at 6 years, is blind. Disadvantage: I can’t see 3D. Advantage: The Bundeswehr didn’t want me.

2 years ago

Have you ever been a test?

2 years ago
Reply to  Gensis98

Nevertheless, it is possible that they could not hear certain frequencies. I know a case in which middle ear inflammation in infants led to the fact that the child could no longer hear certain frequencies – this is also noticed because the child did not respond to speech.

He’s hard-hearted.

2 years ago
Reply to  LouPing

This is understandable.

2 years ago

All right, no thing (I had just accidentally double-posted).