Kleidung waschen?
Wie kann ich das Problem lösen? Meine Kleidung riecht immer nach Rauch wenn ich bald täglich bei meine Eltern war, die Sachen sind überhaupt nicht dreckig riechen nur nach Rauch und bisschen nach Schweiß, zum einem wie kann ich das verhindern?? Und zum anderen auf was für ein Programm würdet ihr die Sachen waschen?
You can’t prevent this. Your parents would have to stop smoking, you don’t go or you’re always moving into the smoking clothes.
Maybe try it with some air. clothes on a bow and overnight out: balcony, terrace, garden etc
Washing maybe Eco 20, Sport, Express 15. Or simply along with other clothes in the 30-degree program suitable for this.
Or wash by hand?
You can. Been too much work.
You can’t prevent that. If the parents’ apartment smokes or you stand next to them when they smoke outside, your clothes will always smell smoke when you were there. And if you’re sweating for sweat, of course. Wash normally and then the smells should be gone until you get in touch with smoke or sweat again. Cotton 40 degrees should fit for most clothes.
… only smell like smoke and a bit of sweat,
when someone smokes go smells into the clothes there helps only ventilate well or what “old” to wear there, which one does not attract for work / daily.
Lies. Just ventilate.
If it’s too late, then:
Cotton 40/60/90 degree (depending on what it is)
If you have a balcony then you hang out the robe on the balcony.
At the washing machine, the program “Spülen” should be enough
Greetings HobbyTfz
Okay with detergent or without?
Without detergent
In the dryer do and let dry cold. This is a ventilation function and also helps with smoke if it is not too heavy.
Things that smell like sweat belong to the laundry.
I would take Eco 20°
Sports programme