Kleidung fängt nach kurzem tragen an zu stinken?
Ich hab mir aus New Yorker 4 Shirts geholt, 2 t-shirts eng für je 5€, ein langarmiges enges Shirt für auch ca. 5€ und ein langarmiges enges für 11€
Alle fangen sehr schnell an sehr stark zu stinken, ich zieh sie nur kurz an und wenn ich nur ein kleines bisschen schwitze stinken sie schon sehr
Was kann man dagegen tun?
No more synthetic fiber clothing, your description sounds just like it’s the problem.
3 of the shirts consist of 95% cotton
This is typical of plastic clothing.
3 of the shirts consist of 95% cotton
Who buys cheap, buys twice.
Look what material the shirts are from. For example, a high polyester content leads to the fact that the fabric cannot absorb welding.
3 of the shirts consist of 95% cotton, and since I’m only 15 I can’t afford expensive clothes now
Is that so tragic? In sports or in leisure, as a teenager I had also worn such cheap parts. Who cares if the shirts are suffocating after sweat? There’s no need to keep his trunk on T-shirts you’ve got. In addition, brand shirts also smell sometime in summer and after sports. So don’t gobb
Bet the things are made of polyester? It’s starting to muffle quickly. Especially when it’s so cheap. And close to the body is also not so great as to the quick stink
3 of the shirts consist of 95% cotton