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9 months ago

If the dowel is not tightened, either the drilled hole for this dowel size is too large or the screw is too thin for the dowel and does not press it tightly enough apart when screwing in. So you can try it either with thicker screws or thicker dowels and screws. And for the optics it should not be countersunk screws as now, which stand out unsightly, but which with semi-circular profile.

9 months ago


Is there a way to fix it better?

Yes, apparently you chose the wrong fastening, that is different from wall to wall! The right dowel fits the wall, it also holds!

9 months ago

use better dowels. Otherwise, remove the whole part, remove the dowels and fill the holes with spatula mass. As long as the mass isn’t hard, press the plug back. Then let everything dry.

If everything is fixed again, then screw the part back. This should work so roughly.