
1.How can I find my style

2.How should I proceed when buying clothes

3.Should I order online or better not online because I usually can't find some jeans that I want

4.How can I style outfits? I have no idea

5.What kind of shoes are in fashion at the moment or which ones would you recommend?

6.What kind of backpacks are good for school


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2 months ago
  1. Just look at what DIR likes and trust to wear it even if it doesn’t like other people. Just stand self-confident then it doesn’t matter anymore.
  2. Just buy what you’ll find, imagine all your clothes and then look what you could combine the clothes
  3. Can you do as you want, I personally find that it is much more fun to watch in the city maybe with friends or something
  4. If you want to find a harmonious outfit, be careful that you don’t use more than 3 colors, because that just looks better. Do something and don’t just wear basics and just stick your own style
  5. Shoes the straight trend are many: Nike Shox, Tns, Vans Knu skool, otherwise keep as basics of Nike like air Force, Dunk, Jordans or so. And if you want shoes for winter: as a girl Uggs and as a young timbs
  6. Basic black Nike, Adidas Backpack or so
2 months ago

1. There are online tests where you have at least a rough orientation. You can also store any outfit you like on Pinterest.

Two. Look what fits well together and flatters your figure, in some styles, second-hand shops open up new doors.

3. Do not shop online, because online garments often look different than in reality, you don’t know if they are standing you and you’ll be tempted to buy too much.

4. Find inspiration from others online.

Five. At the moment, Adidas are generally relative in, but this depends on your style.

6. I would recommend you a Basic Rucksach (best black or grey), you can embellish with pendants if necessary.

Good luck!

2 months ago

Hey, it’s hard to say since you don’t say what you mean but look at Pinterest make outfit ideas or so you can find your style when you live big city buying there a if not internet, in pants watch that they’re not high waist because the fat is uncomfortable.