Kleider waschen, was ist euer Methode?
Meine Mutter hat Ihre Methode und denkt, das ist richtigste weil damit Kleider mehr Haltbarkeit haben, sind nicht gestreckt und stinken nicht. Sie legt Kernseife mit Wasser in einen Topf und lässt es kochen. Danach fließt sie diese 0,5 Liter warme Flüssigkeit mit Seife in die Waschmaschine ein, wo Kleider liegen. Später schaltet sie die Maschine an.
Aber diese Methode ist aufwendig und es braucht viel Zeit. Welche Waschmethode habt Ihr, damit Kleider mehr als einen Jahr halten können?
Modern washing machines have so many special programs, which are partly very gentle, there is something for every type of textile.
I wash delicate with washing balls and vinegar in the rinsing water and all from 60° with (less) full detergent.
I wash most clothes (except underwear, linen, towels) at 30 degrees, printed tops I turn on left, embroidered with stones additionally come into a laundry bag.
I hang all the laundry on the laundry line, I don’t have a dryer.
Dresses without this method keep washed with me for many years normal in the washing machine, best for hand washing and washing powder, which should not be extra for stain washing. That’s what I’ve had bad experience at the first. Once strongly brightened, the next time the colors seemed unclear, then rather slightly bleached.
Your mother simply softens the clothes in warm soap water. It’s new to me that this helps against obscurity. It’s possible to imagine.
I wash my clothes “normal” and wear practically everything for several years. If not, quality is not true. That’s my experience.
How are your clothes from condition? Are these all right?
Of course
From soap in the washing machine they are not enthusiastic:
Very sensitive things: hand wash. For sensitive things a special mode at the washing machine.