Kleid zu klein an den Seiten, was tun ( ohne Kleid umzunähen)?

Hey, ich habe mir vor ca. einem Monat ein Kleid für einen Abschlussball gekauft, das kann ich jetzt leider nicht mehr zurück geben. Das Problem ist: ich bin zu dick geworden. Das Kleid sieht nicht mehr gut aus, denn es schneidet mir sehr in die Seiten, ich brauche dringend Hilfe. Der Abschlussball ist Mitte März und ich möchte dass das Kleid wieder gut aussieht. Habt ihr irgendwelche Diäten, Food Hacks, workouts oder irgendwas anderes, ohne dass ich das Kleid umnähen lassen muss? Bitte helft mir, ich bin wirklich am verzweifeln . (Bin 14w, ca. 1,65m, 55kg)

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1 month ago

I can’t find the comments so far. Well, that’s true with the weight loss. You’re not gonna make it any other way. But the statement, eats less, more sedative, no lime, and so, although horny, will not help you any more.

The Kcal deficit is important when taking off. Everyone has a basic consumption, then the consumption of the average beundpg and so. Let’s say that you have to eat 2000kcal peo day so that su won’t go to/and take off. To take off now, you would have to pair a kcal deficit of about 300kcal.

1kg fat= 7000kcal If you eat 300kcal less every day until the final ball, you have taken about 2kg until mid-March. That’s all you have to do about eating.

Another thing is sports. He can help you get more defined, but also that you burn more easily kcal.Mache per week mid. 3 walks and if only 15min. Then go if you can jogging 1 times peo week (it doesn’t have to be embarrassing, it even makes fun) and then you could train belly every 2nd day and stretch it.

So you can make it back to the dress:)

try to eat more proteins that keep the satt:) but you don’t need anything from more or so, eggs, lenses and so do it also🫶

you are making

sry for my typos!

1 month ago
Reply to  Janii5071

that’s enough sport. You are right, nutrition is still important

1 month ago


If that doesn’t fit anymore with 3 kilos, you already bought it too small.

As much as 3 kilos do not make up, these are quite normal weight fluctuations.

1 month ago

Eat less calories than you need.

1 month ago

You’ll have to take a bit off

1 month ago
Reply to  Janii5071

Less eating and much movement

1 month ago

No candy, no lime, lots of fruit and vegetables. And sports.

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Alternatively let a narrow strip of the hem insert on the sides