Kleid hat Haare verfärbt, geht das wieder raus mit Wundermitteln oder mehrmals waschen?
Auf der Hochzeit ein rotes Kleid von Temu getragen, dies hat n Teil unten meiner blonden Strähnen natürlich leicht rot gefärbt was nun leicht pink aussieht..ich bin total genervt und hoffe eig das es nach ein paar waschen so rausgeht, gibt es sonst so Wundermittel wie Essig oder so?
You should look away from Chinaware at such celebrations and if you can do it after the 1. Use usually throw away.
I never heard that. 🤔
Before you experiment, just ask your hairdresser.
Dyed from the dress???? What does your skin look like?
That would have to go out during normal washing.
My skin is actually not red.. my acrylic nails were also slightly red. That’s a slight sting, but that’s gone again
Waaaas? That can happen?
I am shocked
I don’t think so. 😄
Even the pillow from the chair was slightly red. Never had problems with Temu stuff.. until yesterday 😂 As you said you see the picture, can come from nothing else.
Na Temu says everything