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1 year ago

As a layman, the sex of a sticker cannot be clearly determined with the naked eye, as male and female stickers look very similar. They usually have the same spring dress. Gender-specific characteristics are usually not recognizable.

But! – The males usually have a deeper and brighter dark stripes over the eyes, while the females can have a slightly less noticeable coloring. However, you have to look very carefully for this. Only with a lot of exercise you can see a difference and only when males and females sit next to each other. If you see a bird alone, you can’t say if it’s a male or a female because you don’t have a comparison.

1 year ago

The stripe The eye is brighter in females than in males in females the stripe in belly color in males is darker

1 year ago

This is always the easiest way to see a couple together. As a rule, the male is colorful and larger.

Kleiber wines differ only slightly from their male fellows. The typical distinguishing feature here are the kastanienbraun flanks typical for the males, which are colored in the females only in the same light brown red as the abdomen.