Klavier mit zwei Händen spielen?

Wie kann man das schaffen? Ich spiele seit ca. 2 Monaten Klavier (E-piano), aber es fällt mir extrem schwer beide Hände zu kombinieren. Da explodiert mein Gehirn. Man muss dazu sagen, dass ich auch ziemlicn schwere Stücke lerne z.B Experience oder Howl’s moving castle etc.

Welche Übungen gibt es da ?

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1 year ago


For good reasons therefore finger exercisesto build up the new necessary nerve connections in the brain. You should invest 10-30 minutes a day in practice. But no longer and not overwhelm, since after practicing, the new compounds form and amplify only in sleep.

You will often notice if you have something difficult for approx. 30 minutes practice that the next day is suddenly better and not the same day, even though you have tormented an hour or more.

The beginning is Running exercises of the usual conductors. at the same time with both hands, but with the right fingerset and very slowly on. Especially the 4s, i.e. the ring fingers must find their right place and become stronger. So don’t cheat, the finger sets prescribed by artists have a good reason. First…

C major Piano Scales- Piano Scales Chart – 8notes.com

If the more flowing you can start the next conductor after 1 – 2 weeks …

F major Piano Scales- Piano Scales Chart – 8notes.com

After the new conductors warm up about 10 minutes with various already functioning running exercises before the actual piece.

Then also apply the tone of your difficult piece together with both hands. With difficult passages, you should practice a few cycles extra, individually and with both hands and on it again 1 – 2 nights over it.

If all 24 conductors are through or you want a bigger horizon, you can continue with the famous finger exercises of Hanon or other offers.

Edition Peters Hanon Der Klavier-Virtuose – Thomann Switzerland (thomannmusic.ch) Book or video from the slow beginning to …

No.1 – Hanon • Piano Tutorial • Sheet Music – YouTube

How to play Hanon’s exercise number 2 – Virtuoso Pianist – YouTube

or other priorities …

Strube Verlag Das Pattern-Spielbuch – Thomann Switzerland (thomannmusic.ch)

Edition Peters Czerny First Teacher – Thomann Switzerland (thomannmusic.ch)

Jamey Aebersold Play Jazz Improvise Vol.1 English – Thomann Switzerland (thomannmusic.ch)


Similar notes can also be found in antiques and cheaper.

Great fun and success


1 year ago

This is far too short to deal with really heavy pieces… a complete disaster. As long as the hands have not yet developed real independence, you should first work with appropriate exercises and then simple songs.

Build this in reasonable steps, everything else is not sensible. Gruss

1 year ago

Play simple pieces. And first learn with one hand, and then with the other. Only when both hands can do it individually, you can try it simultaneously with both hands.

1 year ago


Yes, no master has fallen from heaven. But whoever expects it must fail. The Klavie Beginner is fascinated when a trained player uses both hands independently of each other as if it were quite easy. Like the organ player, this in turn also asks the feet in the same way. If he knows, you have to practice it.

I needed about 3 years until I was able to play fluently from the left and right hand with up to 3 voices.

If you manage to play your hands individually in a piece running smoothly, then the combination is just a knock. Often only the left hand needs a little more attention if a piece is not too heavy.

So choose a set that is not too much about your skills. I want him to challenge you, but not break.



1 year ago

It’s not a miracle if you play heavy pieces. Piano is always played (almost) with 2 hands, so you should always practice with both. Start slowly, practice single cycles and chords and simple pieces. This walking experience is also sometimes normal, then just stay calm and practice the whole slowly again and again

1 year ago
Reply to  BalthasarFauge

ne, that’s just wrong. Right hand Fantaisie Impromtu, for example, if you practice this together from the beginning, then… you are still in 100 years.

1 year ago
Reply to  MentN

That’s true, but the question is who plays this piece after two months. Besides, I never said that you should practice with both hands at the same time.

1 year ago

I never wanted to touch you. If you think you should practice both hands separately, please correct your answer.

That’s all I want.

Great ironic text, by the way, maybe you can use it somewhere else 🙂

1 year ago

There’s nix at the same time, but of course you’re quite right. You can be proud of yourself and I want to thank you for your assignment. People like you need the world! Recognizing his own interpretation of ugly variably interpretable short texts from the outset as the only truth is already of high communication, but the slightly irritated, minimally provocative vibration in the undertone of the artistically extremely cleverly formulated comments, filled with modest shine, is a confession to, yes, I want to go so far and say to humanity itself. The demanding character: “Should I show you?” This just too paralysing potency, you also note the syntax, hardly anyone likes to be able to capture so much strength, sensuality, peace in only 5 words, but you were given it. May destiny look at you forever in good grace.

1 year ago

Besides, I never said that you should practice with both hands at the same time.

Shall I show you?

You always play piano with 2 hands, so you should always practice with both

1 year ago

I know that well I’ve been playing piano for almost 7 years and with some pieces it’s very hard to play with both hands. It helps me to play the hands individually over and over again and then try it together. Man should start learning first with light pieces to not overwhelm you can gradually make it harder.
And finger exercises, such as high and low conductors, for the individual hands are also useful. You can eif from the Internet which copy, but there are also piano books that contain such exercises.

1 year ago

Maybe start playing the piece slowly and repeating individual chords. And maybe you’re just playing the chords and notes until you get it. Then you can slowly dare the whole piece.

1 year ago

This comes with time.I have had 7 years of piano lessons as a teenager.In any case, you should look for a teacher or register in a music school.

1 year ago
Reply to  hasslerkipp802

When you learn a new piece on the piano, try to practice individually with each hand and then together

1 year ago

First try one hand well then get the other.

and if you can do this, you can go together.

11 months ago

Start with each hand individually, then change each hand, after which you can step into both hands.

1 year ago

Practice, practice, and start with easy exercises and pieces. With a good piano teacher step forward for Schrütt, that will be!