Klausurenphase uni Druck?
Hey Leute,
ich bin ersti und habe ab Anfang Februar meine Klausuren. Ich schiebe mein lern Zeug eigentlich selten auf und lerne relativ regelmäßig. Ich habe in den Weihnachtsferien angefangen mit der Klausur Vorbereitung und lerne eig täglich immer so 2-3h… wenn ich jedoch Studenten im Internet oder Ähnliches sehe lernen diese immer bis tief in die Nacht rein und meinen die klausurenphase sei das schlimmste da man für nichts mehr Zeit hat. Mache ich etwas falsch???
Hey Hyak0ya,
focus on you and not on others. Many have a bad time management and then can hardly start anything in their lives in the exam phase full of overreach.
You seem to do everything right for you. Go on!
There is not the rich learning method. I also learn about 3 weeks for the current exams (medicine in the first semester). But a friend has a fantastic memory. The film passes through several lectures for 1 hour and can then reproduce everything
It doesn’t matter what others do or claim to do.
You have to be able to understand your fabric. Whether others do it with a head stand or not does not matter to you. 🤷
In our course, people who just need to learn a few things before or do it like at a work in school earlier with a few days in advance. … Others start learning weeks before or learn permanently.
Look at you and not the others. If you can get the stuff for the exams at the exam, that’s right.