Klassenkamerad hat Bild von mir?
Ich habe heute im Sportraum also in der Kabine den rechten Arm gehoben aus Spaß also einfach nur so neben meinen Freunden und wir haben halt so gelacht und so und ich muss noch dazu sagen ich bin Kurde aber wir haben uns natürlich nicht darüber lustig gemacht einfach nur so aus Spaß und ich habe das nicht gegen eine Gruppe gemacht oder so ich habe damit auch niemanden diskriminiert (obv bin selber Ausländer).
Und ich habe jemanden in der Klasse und ich muss dazu sagen das die Person rechts ist also wirklich so rechtsextrem ich mein das ernst also die sagen so kranke Sachen über Ausländer also er und seine Freunde und ja die sagen richtig kranke Sachen halt über Ausländer und bevorzugen die AfD etc.
Und die Person hat zu mir gesagt er hätte davon ein Bild gemacht ich weiß es ist meine Schuld weil ich das gemacht habe und meine eigene Dummheit.
Aber ich bitte euch ich meine hab das zu niemanden gemacht einfach ich stand neben meinen Freunden und habe das einfach so ins nichts gemacht vor mir stand sozusagen niemand und ich habe das nur so gemacht und meine Freunde haben dann gelacht und das war’s und bin halt selber Ausländer die Person ist deutsch (hat nichts damit was ich eben gesagt hat zu tun aber er ist halt einfach deutsch).
Ja ich will es eigentlich meiner Lehrerin sagen das er ein Bild von mir gemacht hat aber ich weiß nicht ob ich mich selbst damit hochnehmen würde deswegen frage ich hier 🙂
Also soll ich was sagen oder ihn einfach zusammenschlagen?
Also wäre es schlau was zu sagen oder habe ich damit eine Straftat begangen was er anscheinend so sagt.
Ich bin übrigens 15 Jahre alt.
Dankeschön und schönen Tag wünsche ich dir
No, it’s not punishable. This is only punishable in the public, a sports dress doesn’t count as a public space.
First, you made a joke and showed how big opponent was in the last football match. Let someone say something else. But actually, you can remember that. There’s a lot of garbage all day. Second…that makes that unauthorized a picture of you and that torn out of the cloister, without context. When it goes, you’d see 10 times a day how I bruise someone, beat or destroy something that looks like that in a picture, but actually wasn’t at all. Let him lay his own egg. Photographing in the dressing is harassment and against personality law. So if he bite you, you have a proper pressure. And otherwise, among young people a lot of nonsense is made. No teacher wants to know about it. Just leave it.
Thank you for your answer
This is punishable!!!
Why is it bad for the AFD?
Well, let’s get to your question: you have made the h*tler greeting and now consider the person who made a picture of you to beat together?
Go to the teacher and tell her everything. Instead of pressing the consequences, you should accept them and learn from them.
Well, didn’t say anything against the AfD, but against the person I don’t think it’s bad to choose what he wants but the right sayings that he says to the AfD connected that I find rather bad but yes thank you for your answer
And you know what you’re doing?
Yeah, see if he says anything at all if I don’t tell my teacher myself maybe I can get less trouble
Legally relevant
Yes, I and I will answer to the 3rd. Point the last line you say it belongs to a criminal offence I quote: ‘It is strongly advised to perform such acts as they not only have criminal consequences, but also severely neglect other people
etzen can.’
The person is German and right he says last in the break and even in the classroom worse things than what I did. I don’t know where this is supposed to hurt him, but well, I don’t know.
Let’s get my old news
Confidence only the people who want to help but everything was well meant not evil
Yes, it is punishable to make the so-called “Hitlergruß” in Germany, even in a sports dress or another non-public environment. Hitler’s greeting falls under the use of license plates of non-constitutional organizations according to § 86a StGB (Criminal Code).
Important points:
1. Public space: Even if a sports dress is not a public place in the classical sense, greeting can be criminally relevant when other people see it and report it.
Two. Intent: The context and intention play a role. If the greeting is shown by provocation, stupidity or ignorance, it can still be punishable. However, the authorities consider whether there was a political motivation or glorification of National Socialism.
3. Exception: In very rare cases (e.g. satirical or artistic contexts), it could not be punishable, but this is extremely limited and does not affect school circumstances.
It is strongly advised that such actions should be carried out, as they not only have criminal consequences, but also severely neglect other people.
to be able to eat.
You think everything you say on the internet or what?
Hab lowkey no offense must read the answers
What are you gonna do?
Ohsoo no idea but if he says what then he gets his sentence from me 😂
Whether you know how to proceed with your situation
What do you mean? If you mean the horror as I said it was a fun among friends but what the person says is no fun that you have to be able to distinguish