Klasse macht sich über mich lustig?
also besser gesagt die eine Jungsgruppe. Hier ein paar Beispiele:
– Wenn sie mich sehen oder merken dass ich in deren Nähe sitze machen sie blöde Kommentare, z.B. „Oh nein, jetzt ist … da!!“
– Eine super Angriffsstelle ist es für die natürlich auch dass ich reite, also einmal war da ein Video mit Pferdewurst und ich wurde mit Namen gerufen und provoziert
-Ich hör STÄNDIG meinen Namen im Unterricht. Die planen immer irgendwas oder machen sich lustig. Sie denken ich kriege das nicht mit.
Ja…Ich bin sowieso schon mental nicht ganz in Ordnung (ich glaub meine Diagnose ist Depression oder so). Und das verbessert das Ganze nicht gerade.
Ich habe in meiner Therapie schon darüber gesprochen. Sie meinte ich soll zu meiner Klassenlehrerin gehen. Aber irgendwie will ich das nicht. Die Jungs werfen auch andere mit unserem Maskottchen ab, die finden das halt nervig aber auch ein bisschen lustig und so. Und ich fühle mich dann so komisch, ich will auch nicht schon wieder die Petze sein.
Einmal auf der Klassenfahrt hab ich eine Sache „gepetzt“ weil es um meine Freundin ging und jetzt hab ich Stress mit dem Typen.
Was soll ich machen?
Danke fürs Durchlesen😅
LG 🙂
Hello GoodFrageNutz11,
First of all, I would like to stress that bullying is never your fault. You deserve to be respected and friendly, just like everyone else. The most important thing is that you are aware that you have the right to feel safe and comfortable in your school environment.
One of the first steps you can take is to openly address bullying. Find the conversation with a teacher, a trust teacher or an adult you trust. Tell them about your experiences and how much the bullying burdens you. You can help you take appropriate steps to stop bullying.
It can also be helpful to join other students who are also against bullying. Together you can start an anti-mobbing initiative to create awareness and promote a positive school climate. This could be done, for example, by educational campaigns, workshops or information events.
Take time for self-sufficiency and build your self-confidence. By recognizing and pleading your own strengths and talents, you will be more confident and let yourself be less influenced by the opinions of others. Find interests and hobbies that will give you pleasure, and move around with people who support you and positively affect you.
It is important that you do not stay alone with your feelings and experiences. Search for family, friends or even professional consultants. You can help you deal with the emotional effects of bullying and find ways to preserve your strength.
Remember that bullying won’t last forever. It may be difficult at the moment, but you have the potential to overcome this situation and to emerge stronger. You’re much more than what the mobbers say or do. You are unique and valuable, and you have the right to a happy and respectful school.
I hope that these advice will help you and that you will find ways to stop bullying. Stay strong and believe in yourself. You deserve a life free of bullying and full of love, friendship and support.
If you believe in God, please remember: He understands exactly what people are going through and they are not indifferent to him. A Bible writer explained:
“But I drew my attention to all the acts of oppression committed under the sun. I saw the oppressed cry and no one comforted her. No one comforted them and the oppressors had the power” (Prediger 4:1).
So you see that people used to suffer from harassment and humiliation. But God sees not only those who suffer, but is also ready to help them. Here, for example:
“He will suffer with the disadvantaged and the poor and the lives of the poor he will save. From oppression and violence he will free them and their blood will be precious in his eyes “(Psalm 72:12-14).
This promise also includes those affected by bullying and other injustices.
I wish you to find a way to finish the bullying and you can breathe up soon more easily! All good and great strength!
LG Philipp
Thanks for the detailed and dear answer
Very happy! 😊
You could ignore it if it’s just stupid sayings.
If it gets more or you can’t ignore it, go to the class teacher, even if you don’t want to be the pett.
That’s bullying. You can report it to the class teacher. I don’t think you’re the pett anymore.
Depending on age – I also went to the class teacher at 5-6. So I don’t think that’s bad. if you’re verbally thinking and that doesn’t help it’s just the possibility
even if you don’t want to pet, but bullying of this kind has lost nothing in school class.
Write the mobs, even as they mobb and how often on 2 lists.
You send one of them to the rectorate of the school with the indication that you sent the second to the competent school office.
Then you will become the hero of the school as you have done anything against bullying
the idea is quite okay, to the hero of school he or she will not
when my daughter was bullied by three of her fellow pupils, I pulled that through. The texts were only tapped on my daughter’s phone and sent to relevant places.
Rector got the upper bulldozer in room.
At first, however, when she saw her own texts, she was denied.
The Rector then gave her a lecture for 45 minutes.
When he sent her out of the room, she would have fit through the door gap.
It was similar to the other two girls.
In front of the assembled class, the three had to apologize to my daughter.
All 3 received a sharpened reference where they were expelled from school in case of new bulls.
These references had to sign parents and give them to Rector personally.
What the parents did with their daughters is not known to me.
School staff specifically sent counselors to class against bullying.
After his lecture, he founded groups against bullying, as soon as those in the breaks or otherwise see someone who mobbs, they join together and point to the right.
The bullying was over
I’m glad.
is now out of everything and is firmly in life
Hey, I’m really sorry, and that sounds really good, but it’s not so bad with me. I hope your daughter gets better
True, she had suicidal thoughts through the bull and needed day clinic and more
Rejoice for your daughter, the heroin of school is not yet
If it only remains on stupid comments then keep the option to tell a teacher open. Ignorier sowaseif and if it’s too annoying you then petz easy, the look eif someone about which they can make a little fun and you don’t have to let it please
This is bullying! How long has it been? Have you ever spoken to your parents or a school social worker?
Nee, no one knows except my therapist, that’s not going so long, it’s always been tense but lately it’s just more
Then you should talk urgently with a teacher or a school social worker