Klappt das?

Hey Leute

Eine Freundin von mir geht in eine Psychiatrie, wir hatten lange keinen Kontakt mehr und da ich auch in eine Klinik muss, haben wir beschlossen, dass wir versuchen dass ich zu ihr kann, ich habe meine mutter gefragt, sie sagte aber, dass wir das nicht bestimmen können…

Kann man da nicht nachfragen ob ich da hin kann oder muss ich wirklich hoffen?🥺

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6 months ago

Well, it also depends on how long the waiting times are, because even if you could get to her, it can be possible that she will be released until you get to her turn. Once you’re on a waiting list you have to wait a few months for a place. It would be different if they were on an acute station because there are no waiting times.

Of course, it depends on the clinic. Whether there’s one station or more on which different things are being treated, because if you go there for something quite different, you might also come to another station.

5 months ago

I’ve been released

4 months ago
Reply to  Maeuschen11

Please register again mausi 🥺

6 months ago

I don’t know how close you live with each other but you have to fill out a questionnaire before and if this one corresponds to the same clinic you’ll probably just come to another floor

6 months ago
Reply to  Finn18716

No, so:

You must fill out a questionnaire before your hospital stay. With name, age, etc.

And you know what clinic the questionnaire is