Klamotten waschen ohne das eltern es herausfinden?
Ich M(15) bin ein Femboy und frage mich wie ich meine Klamotten heimlich waschen und trocknen soll ohne das meine Eltern es herausfinden. Meistens habe ich 1-2 Stunden Zeiträume wo sie nicht da sind. Oder muss ich sie überhaupt waschen ich trage sie ja eher selten (Nein outen ist keine option.)
Take a bucket, make water pure wash powder and, if you have some scent beads, keep them for a beautiful scent. Then you wash the things in the bucket for a few minutes and let them just take a few minutes. can also wash things with such a sponge. Express it very well and if you have time quickly in the dryer. That’s how I wash when the washing machine is still running.
Hope could help you with this.
if you have a heating in your room, then it should not be a problem to wash your laundry with your hand, wring it out well, you can also squeeze the laundry with the towel and then off to the heating with it, so we have always done it in board
If you have holidays and they work, you can wash them. Or the weekend at night when you have a quiet machine