Klamotten in Tüten versenden?


ich habe vor etwas dickere Klamotten (Jacken, Pullis..) zu versenden, welche zu groß für die Warensendungs Pakete sind. Leider habe ich auch keine Kartons oder Ähnliches von früheren Sendungen über. Deswegen hab ich überlegt die Klamotten einfach in Einkaufstüten zu verschicken. Denkt ihr das ist ok bzw. hat jemand bereits damit Erfahrungen gemacht?

Vielen Dank schonmal im Voraus

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2 years ago


A package or packet must always be cuboid and out of cardboard.

Bags are not permitted as packaging for private customers. This is only possible if you are a wholesaler and have an agreement with DHL. Otherwise, this is treated as bulk material and costs € 25,00

2 years ago

I’ve never sent clothes in bags, but I guess I’ve been packed by online dealers in foil.

Whether it’s only traders or anyone, you can definitely tell you at the post office.


2 years ago
Reply to  JochenOWL

Whether it is only traders or anyone,

Only if you have a corresponding contract with DHL. Bags are not permitted for private customers

2 years ago

You have to have a package that secures the clothes and can’t fall out. This isn’t the case with bags. There is also a certain mark. There are different sizes to buy, just look at a construction market or something. It may otherwise be that the bags are not accepted and generated as garbage.

2 years ago

This is prohibited according to the AGB of various parcel services and costs up to 20,- extra bulk goods supplement

Online dealers often have special contracts that allow the dispatch of bags.

2 years ago

They don’t accept that. Must be something solid. You can strengthen it with cardboard and then put it in the bag and make tape around it and so try it.

2 years ago

Never outside bag, but cardboard.

1 year ago

Bags are not accepted, only shipping houses