Kkontrolliert die Polizei wie schnell ein Moped fährt?
Hey, ich habe mir vor kurzem ein Moped gekauft, habe den AM Führerschein usw.
Allerdings fährt das Moped statt 45km/h etwa 60, da der Vorbesitzer offenbar das Teil getunten hat/Drossel entfernt oder so. Ich habe wirklich keine Lust, eine Drossel einzubauen oder das Tuning rückgängig zu machen, da ich keine Ahnung habe wie das gemacht wurde. Also meine Frage: Mal angenommen ich komme in eine Fahrzeugkontrolle, überprüfen die Polizisten dann wie schnell das Moped fährt? Und was wäre die Strafe dafür?
Es ist übrigens keine Simson…
If you create according to Tacho 60, this does not necessarily mean that something has been changed, the registered bbH is determined on a flat line under certain conditions.
If there is a suspicion there is a test bench, it can then result until driving without a driving permit.
Penalty -> § 21 StVG.
If so bought and not known the changed -> throw it back to the seller’s feet.
Control? Yes: Roll test stand with deduction of certain percentage value in which wind resistance, etc. is calculated).
If this thing is too fast, it is too fast -> we would be back at § 21 StVG.
Of course, this is controlled, what else would make sense to write this into the law if you did not control it.
By the way, the control is only a small problem, really funny it gets when it comes to an accident and then it is determined that the scooter can be faster than allowed.
In NRW there are not these “test stands”
You should keep yourself in city traffic, especially downhill.
60 is still relatively harmless, many do not make the effort, one is not necessarily sure. Drive as accurately as possible.
With us on the village, all the kids do it properly. As long as you can see well and far, and only see well-known cars, give full gas.
If you need a tuning expert or drive down 70, build an accident… if you want to. Drive without your permission, the whole program.
If you drive past a stripe car with an insurance license and 60km/h, you can actually be quite sure that you are stopped.
The officials would even be obliged to do so.
That would seem pretty sure, yeah.
Personally, I can only guess to throttle the car.
In the event of a corresponding suspicion, the vehicle comes to a test bench.
Yes You can in any case control it, if suspected, it comes to a test bench.
Yeah, they’re checking it.
Vehicle loses the license and you can walk.
And there’s a fine. Possibly license lock
If she’s suspected.
Yes they can
Okay, I’ll have to buy a choke.
Thank you.