Kitten natürlich Entwurmen?


ich hab ein Video auf Tik Tok gesehen, dass man Katzen auch natürlich mit Kokosöl Entwurmen kann. Jetzt frage ich mich, ob man dieses auch bei 4 Wochen alte Babykätzchen machen kann. Hat jemand Erfahrungen oder dieses selber schon mal gemacht?


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6 months ago

Coconut oil does not affect vermin/parasites. Neither Ekto (outside), nor Endo(inside). Do not believe everything you see/hear/learn on the Internet. Not at all on Tiktok and Co.

6 months ago

Four-week old kittens should always be with their mother and thus with the breeder – and a breeder should know exactly why coconut oil is unhealthy for so young kittens and why it does not work against worms.

6 months ago

Please do not refer to Tiktok!

You shouldn’t do experiments with young animals. Ask your veterinarian and keep you informed. animals/cats/health/health-and-protection-be-cats/coosoel-fuer-cats

6 months ago

You don’t always have to listen to everything you hear at Tiktok. You’re gonna have to talk to your veterinarian about it and you’re just gonna do the normal cure like everyone else. Just put the little kittens on the game because of something on tiktok would be negligent.

6 months ago

Let it stay and give the right of TA

all natural can be seen in adult as “support ” but for all parasite worms helps the nix and in babies where just begins to distil at 4 weeks nix has to look for what is more harmful than helpful

4 weeks is breast milk + start slightly wet

digestion works gradually a week independently

at the age the little ones are super sensitive and if you want to let the cat get young you also need to know and if ned sure TA shelter/animal protection are inquire that tell you what to consider or what to do

6 months ago

TikTok is not a reputable source but the biggest garbage on earth that is finally banned.

With domestic means, you do not escape right, you get the appropriate means and this in turn is the veterinarian either right with or you can get the drug out of the pharmacy, even experimenting does not bring anything to the kittens.