Kitten Nassfutter – welche Marke?


ich bekomme in 2 Wochen einen kleinen Kater. Ich freue mich schon sehr und versuche mir gerade so viel Wissen anzueignen wie möglich. Die Ausstattung, wie ein hochwertiger Kratzbaum, Katzenklo, Spielzeug etc., ist bereits besorgt.

Es bleibt das Thema Nahrung. Ich plane, Nassfutter zu geben, und eine Handvoll Trockenfutter mit einem Fummelbrett oder spielerisch zu verabreichen. Aber welche Marke ist momentan für Kitten als Nassfutter geeignet? Hier gibt es viele Meinungen und Empfehlungen. Oft ist es schwer zu erkennen, ob diese nicht durch Sponsoring und Werbung beeinflusst werden, vor allem bei Katzenkanälen auf YouTube oder bei Testberichten.

Daher möchte ich mir hier noch einmal eine Meinung einholen. Ich weiß, dass eine Katze nur das Beste verdient, aber vielleicht gibt es eine gängige und erschwingliche Marke aus dem mittleren Preissegment, die eine gute Nährstoffzusammensetzung und Qualität bietet.

Aktuell habe ich Animonda Carny Kitten als Nassfutter und Applaws Kitten Trockenfutter im Auge.

Der Kater wird ein Freigänger, hat viel Platz und Auslauf und wird dementsprechend auch viel Energie brauchen denke ich.

Ich freue mich über jede Antwort 🙂

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1 year ago

It’s nice to inform you about cat keeping, but the chapter in which it says that you have kept cats at least to two, you’ve probably read.

1 year ago

So brands that also lead kitten food are e.g. MjamMjam and Catz Finefood.
In the premium food class (also not cheap, but also good food) I can recommend Anifit wet food. The food can be used for any age, whether kitten, adult or senior.
Dry food is always such a thing, you don’t really need it and that it’s good for the teeth, is also more like a naja story.
Alternatively, I would recommend you fresh meat (beef, lamb, poultry, fish and wild).
Fresh meats or also internals such as lungs, stomach and heart are good alternatives that can be fed again and again in between.
Liver and kidney should not be fed more than 1-2 pieces per week in an adult animal, as too much of it is not healthy.

If you need dry leaks, I would recommend you, for example, frozen chicken breast. These are small white chicken breast cubes, dried and consist of only 100% chicken breast.

In wet food it is important that min. 70% meat is present, it is free from cereals and also sugar.
Ideally, the meat content is precisely declared on the packaging (e.g. lung, heart, muscle, liver, etc.)

1 year ago
Reply to  DayBreaker231

There is nothing to add 🙂

At least as far as food is concerned, I still want to address the attitude: kittens, whether later openers or not, should never be held alone. And even cat contacts out there are not the same as siblings in the same home. Therefore, individual attitude is never good for cats (exception is already not socialized cats from the animal shelter).

1 year ago

Art-friendly food would be all with at least 60% meat content, sugar & grain free such as e.g.

Animonda Carny

1 year ago

I can recommend the following brands. You have to see if there’s something for kittens.
mjammjam, finefood, luckylou and hardys.
always care that it is without sugar and without grain. Best made in Germany.
dry food I recommend real nature wilderness.

1 year ago

Hello the cat should not only get wet food because the cat cannot brush your teeth, also give dry food

1 year ago
Reply to  Venus345

The good old dry food and this stupid myth 👍

1 year ago
Reply to  Catlady102

You still hear it a lot.

Fresh meat is better for the teeth. ^^ Or fish, but you have to take care of the bones.
Poultry heart, stomach, liver and kidney etc. (Last but of course only in small dimensions. ^)
Horse, cow, wild, lamb, poultry, width is large.

1 year ago
Reply to  Venus345

How should Gedreide sugar corn have a tooth purifying effect if the cat is also as good as not on the chunks.

1 year ago
Reply to  Venus345

Raw meat is the 1000 times better

1 year ago
Reply to  Catlady102


1 year ago
Reply to  Venus345

Cats are sling-eaters that do not chew on such dry food bells. Therefore, it is also an absolute myth that dry food contributes to dental health. On the contrary: with the saliva, a porridge is formed, which remains hanging on the teeth and then often leads to problems. Or do you use dry bread/kitchen for dental cleaning? I’d rather have a meat/barf where the cat really has to put on the teeth and tear. That brings a lot more.

1 year ago

This feed e.g.

Puterichs Delight 810g: turkey – cat food | Shop Anifit (

To make your kitten healthy, you should only buy high-quality cat food – i.e. with 99% meat content. You shouldn’t give a dry food.

Cats Information – Cats – Help and Tips (

or inform you about BARF

Raw feeding in cats – Beginner course (