Kirmes Fahrgeschäfte nicht sicher?
Habe mir die Frage gestellt wie es sein kann, dass man in Werkstätten ohne Einweisung nicht mal eine Hammer bedienen darf aber auf einer Kirmes Fahrgeschäfte wie Brakedance, Circus Circus oder Love Express einfach ohne Absperrung vor den beweglichen teilen betrieben werden dürfen. Ich meine, ein falscher Schritt oder ein Bier zuviel und man kann Tod sein. Deutschland ist gefühl das Land mit den strengsten Regeln in allen, aber hier scheint es niemanden zu interessieren.
You didn’t know very well.
On the contrary, all the noses are tested for the rides on the square and if a ride is not safe enough in time, it must not open. There are several reports from the Norddeutscherundfunk on the annual markets in which this is repeatedly mentioned.
This is only a very subjective, inaccurate impression of you.
Every time, wherever, a ride has been built and before a Kirmes begins, the TÜV comes to review
Didn’t you understand the question?
Your question is meaningless and inaccurate somewhere
The questioner said during normal operation. For example, there is no shut-off in a breakdance that would prevent anyone from running up when the disc is running.
All Kirmes shops have a general licence and are continuously removed from the TÜV, which also checks safety standards
I believe that there is some social security. At the Kirmes there are also usually 100 other people who stop you from jumping into the ongoing breakdancer.
That’s clear. Of course, everything is removed from the TÜV. Otherwise there would be an end of terrain. But why do most of the rides have security precautions that no one can run in during operation and not during breakdance?
And I’m sorry I don’t take you so seriously when I read your last answers to other questions:
“Why don’t you take the pill,”
“SEX, merciless SEX”
“I don’t care about it”
By the way, they also had no added value for the questions they asked, but are simply meaningless and sexist leaner.
Good night and great success at the resin… sorry Homeoffice.
1. No one insulted 2. Because I just asked and it’s in the middle of the night 3. I did not express my own opinion, I asked only one question where you gave a meaningless answer.
1 will not be personally and insulting. 2. Why don’t you answer a “professor” whose opinion covers with yours? 3. You may not accept a different opinion than your own
You gave almost 29,000 answers to questionb, of which only 271 were helpful, that’s not even 1%. I think you’re just someone who wants to write a lot, but I don’t know what do you think you’re just gonna let professionals answer and don’t overly admit your must?
Don’t get into anything. (Death) Accidents on a Kirmes are very rare, WAS do you want to know anyway?
When I stand at the Brakedance and unforgiving slippers, I land in the middle of the plate and I am dead, there is no denial to the rotating disc. The TÜV has nothing to do with it just because it checks whether the hydraulics work or all screws are fixed.
What are you gonna do? I find quite good that you are not squeezed into a snake like in the usa.