Kindsbewegung 22 ssw?
Hallo ich komme donnerstags in die 22 Woche , bin erstschwanger.
es geht um Kindsbewegungen.. undzwar fühle ich es nur im unterleib also richtig weit unten. Es fühlt sich an wie Blähungen und eigenldich bin ich mir gar nicht sicher ob es Bewegungen sind oder Blähungen… aber das habe ich schon öfter gehört das Frauen das denken. So meine Frage. Ist das normal dass die Bewegungen so weit unten sind? In der 22 Woche? Und dass ich von außen gar nichts sehe oder spüre. Da eine Freundin in der 22 Woche schon die Tritte von aussehen sehen konnte..
Yeah, kid’s standing up and kicking.
It is different in all, depends on the situation of the child and where the placenta sits. When it’s on the front wall, it looks like a buffer. You can see less.
It always depends on how the child is.
Be glad that child doesn’t move so stupid, otherwise you can’t rest.
All good 🍀
Thank you ☺️ yes I think now you are also happy with the child movements and then towards the end you have enough of it again:D
About the 20. SSW (sometimes sooner or later) women who are pregnant with the first child also perceive the first child movements.
In the 21st SSW stands a bit higher than your belly button. Thus the child lies in the abdomen and there are also first regenerations.
It is not to be expected, however, that there is no constant drum swirl or trit of a kickboxer – the first small “button signs” inside the same butterflies in the abdomen or the placement of soap bubbles.
Truly unambiguous trits are usually noticed but only later.
Happy for you!
Thank you very much, now I can feel better ☺️ Yes I think it feels like bloating or just a blubbing..
Yeah, that’s normal. It was me too.
I didn’t notice anything about three children.
Except that I have increased 20 kg every pregnancy.