Kindheitstraumata ohne Therapie bewältigen?

Ist es möglich, seine Kindheitstraumata bzw. auch generell Ängste und so ohne therapeutische Hilfe zu bewältigen?

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4 months ago

I believe that one can only process or work up anything in general if one makes the majority of the “work”. Therapists can only support you with their knowledge. Anyone who goes to a therapist, hoping to be “healed” there, has quite little chances of achieving a real improvement of his life…

Important when working up is a strong will. And the willingness to make yourself uncomfortable thoughts and insights, to endure emotional pain and to question everything possible in his life (and other people)…

If you find a reason that is strong enough for you, you can also (or self-determined/responsible) work up your experiences and traumas. Most people seem to have too weak a spirit. By the way, a respectful relationship with one’s own body is helpful or important. Because we need our body to perceive ourselves and our environment. And without perception no work-up…

4 months ago

Depends on how complex the trauma is and how deep it sits.

In itself, fears are simple. Just do what scares you. Over a long time you get used to it and it’ll be easier to fall.