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Even if I can understand the concerns of the parents (even I am critical of vaccination), but if it is a vital operation, and there is no way to obtain donor blood exclusively from inoculated ones, it is no different, then one has to take the blood from vaccinated ones. What is the alternative? Let the child die?
In this respect, I find the procedure right. In addition, this is not a child withdrawal, the parents are deprived of care in medical matters only for the duration of the treatment, which means that the child may also be treated against her will and receive blood canned.
exactly the same happens in Germany and in any other state of law.
The same happens in Germany, too, if crazy parents want to deliver their child to death for no reason. a family court will, at the request of the doctors, take part in this field and cancel the custody of the parents.
This is good and correct because there is no, absolutely no traceable reason for the refusal of medical treatment.
Ultimately nothing but the general rejection of blood transfusions in some religions. As soon as parents want to enforce their ideology or religion, and as a result the child is threatened to take serious damage or even die, courts deprive the custody or “conceive” the decision of the parents in favour of the child. Is this clearly a risk of child welfare.
To what extent, after medical treatment, your child remains with your parents or is taken care of, is then considered separately. But whoever lets his child die rather than jumping over his ideological or religious shadows, there are quite clear indications that one should look more closely at this child’s real good with these parents…
It’s sputtered by the media. I would have given the unvaccinated donor blood as a doctor and then it would be good.
And how should the doctor know about the donor’s vaccination? It is not interrogated during the donation, thus not documented and can therefore not be traced when the transfusion is removed from the cabinet.
If the parents had brought a suitable blood dispenser now, the doctor would certainly have agreed to use the blood of this dispenser if there were no medical reasons against it.
But they demanded that they get blood of unvaccinated donors. Say, they wanted the complete blood donation system to be adapted to their wishes. Otherwise, the complete refusal of transfusion was in space – and thus the death of her child.
And that’s why they were removed from the court – completely right!
It’s not a child’s withdrawal. The decision-making power of the parents is restricted or withdrawn or transmitted only in a PARTBEREICH. In the sub-area where they cannot or do not want the parental care adequately, i.e. for the benefit of the child.
In short, medical decisions or those that are struggling with health care now make someone else who is determined by the court. However, in all other areas, parents continue to have parental care, e.g., a large part of personal care or asset management.
I find appropriate and very in the sense of the child.
Okay, then it’s okay.
all this, however, on the basis that 100% is sure that vakzine antibodies etc. newborn in no way harms — so all is proven. it’s not. so if the parents are strinking are years of legal dispute.
the clinic could get blood from unimpeded, but does it only if they are forced through appraisal… but even if in an instance this is decided the clinic goes into the next higher dance … the parents therefore need a long time and a lot of cash until they get through there.
Please inform you before you spread fake news!!! So let the fuck!
A “time” that advertises a telegram channel on its banner can hardly be serious. I’d rather inform myself before I believe everything blind. Also the imprint is not complete, the GmbH at the “Zeitung” is still “in foundation”. The address will also only be a mailbox address, as the company’s headquarters in the USA.
Various websites point out that this source of report24 is not serious.
You don’t have to write to me. There is always the case and that the article itself has not built up very serious and has not even tried to preserve a appearance of neutrality, I also noticed.
But as unselfish as the source may be. It’s not ‘Fake News’. At least not the part I mentioned in my answer. I would also be very fond of myself if some were to get in touch before a term like ‘FakeNews’ gets kicked out.
‘The Guardian’ says about the case:
and there is also an article that covers exactly what I have said in my answer, namely the partial withdrawal of parental care.
Thank you. Then that’s legit, but doesn’t change the fact that this news page is pretty disgusting.
Report24 is an alternative news page
I’ve got contact with New Zealand about it.
CNN, Washington Post, The Guardian…
The mirror:
FAZ also had an article, but I couldn’t find it anymore…
Well, the info that is in the article is strangely not even to find at the BILD and not at all from the publicly legal or the usual suspects like Spiegel and Co.
For the child to be beaten with such parents.
Please inform you before you spread fake news!!! So let the fuck!
A “time” that advertises a telegram channel on its banner can hardly be serious. I’d rather inform myself before I believe everything blind. Also the imprint is not complete, the GmbH at the “Zeitung” is still “in foundation”. The address will also only be a mailbox address, as the company’s headquarters in the USA.
Various websites point out that this source of report24 is not serious.
It won’t be more correct if you post it under any question.
This one source was disgusting. At least half a dozen more I would consider to be serious AUCH reported.
Then use a serious source next time. Then there does not come such a “Besserwisser” so 😂ðŸ ̃‰ the article seems to be right, but a source advertises the Telegram quickly raises questions on 😉
I have not said that it would not be bad and in my answer one can, I think, also read that I support the decision to deprive parents of custody in relation to the child’s medical treatment.
The fact that the user is wrong here with his ‘Fake-News’ riot is a fact.
It has demonstrated 150 people in front of the hospital in Auckland. An acquaintance of mine works as a cleansing force.
Whatever falls under the ‘public law’ with you… the topic is not so important that everyone has to report on it…
In New Zealand, the media are reporting about it, and I wouldn’t have to take it into the programme.
It’s still bad when parents endanger their children. The spider who wants to use the fate of the children to discredit the state.
Well, you’ll probably read it in the public law tomorrow, not.
because this costs first properly coal and probably 3 and more years contest to clear is whether the parents are right that vakzine can actually be harmful to newborn. So 100,000 euro expensive study must be made, etc… until clear who is right. but it is clear that the child cannot be kept in waiting position for so long and then the care is removed. a difficult procedure. the clinic has applied trick in which the parents can only give up or just lose the child.
Please inform you before you spread fake news!!! So let the fuck!
A “time” that advertises a telegram channel on its banner can hardly be serious. I’d rather inform myself before I believe everything blind. Also the imprint is not complete, the GmbH at the “Zeitung” is still “in foundation”. The address will also only be a mailbox address, as the company’s headquarters in the USA.
Various websites point out that this source of report24 is not serious.
P.S. You will find this kind of article only at our own sources. Not at public law and also not at mirror etc.
How do you judge the seriousness of a newspaper? According to the rule Links=Serious, Right=Unserious?
Here. Looking better next time…
Only because the info is not saved at all. The child simply dies in doubt.
Auweia… what do you do to poor people a New Zealand??? This country was most affected by all people.
And that one deprives parents of custody because they exercise their parental care, is the summit of insult.
Please inform you before you spread fake news!!! So let the fuck!
A “time” that advertises a telegram channel on its banner can hardly be serious. I’d rather inform myself before I believe everything blind. Also the imprint is not complete, the GmbH at the “Zeitung” is still “in foundation”. The address will also only be a mailbox address, as the company’s headquarters in the USA.
Various websites point out that this source of report24 is not serious.
Is a normal page like zb image and focus
Read my comment completely and then be ashamed. A newspaper from KKK is also just a “normal newspaper”.
Please, here the same article, of course with other word choice, in the standard:
Now satisfied?
Yes =) I don’t seek doc for anyone who advertises our sources. Thank you.
And what exactly is wrong now in the report?
The report agrees exceptionally, does not change the fact that report24 is inconsistent and “often” only operates rushes.
The name was written wrong. His name is Stefan Magnet and here who is. auf1-corona-leugnung-rechtsextremismus-compact-verschwoerung-91674277.html
There’s no one on the right and I’m sure I’m not. 🤣
Well, then, the misinformation of a Nazi. Kukluxklan in America a right-wing radical movement. You’ll fit in.
Report24 is a good alternative. What is kkk?
If the parents want this, where is the problem?? If everyone doesn’t want that, there’s no problem.?
Of course, it’s crazy, but there’s no reason to take care of it.
Where is the problem to be resolved?
The problem would be to create a precedent.
It’s bad that the parents would rather let their child die.
That’s right. That’s right.
It was different blood there and the parents were afraid that the child is sick afterwards because it is not researched.
In donation blood, the vaccination status against covid19 is not up.
In the blood of vaccinated are antibodies – which one has after having Covid. They don’t hurt the child.
It hurts the child if it dies without blood donation.
However, one must also say that apparently enough unimpeded donors had agreed to donate to the child.
In this respect, the problem was EHER, that the parents were so poised on the ‘unimped blood’, less that the child would be in danger.
Who knows nothing will believe everything. Have fun believing fake news. It cost me 5 minutes of research.
Please inform you before you spread fake news!!! So let the fuck!
A “time” that advertises a telegram channel on its banner can hardly be serious. I’d rather inform myself before I believe everything blind. Also the imprint is not complete, the GmbH at the “Zeitung” is still “in foundation”. The address will also only be a mailbox address, as the company’s headquarters in the USA.
Various websites point out that this source of report24 is not serious.
I didn’t see the link. I already know the case from other media (with imprint;)).
If one had admitted it, one would have created a precedent.
You just need to googlen after that, you have all the sources. ORF, standard, courier, mirror, etc.
Then please send me a link.
Of course they could have given blood to themselves.
If you let your child die rather than give him a blood transfusion of an vaccinated child, not the child’s good is at first, but your coward with politics. Ergo, you’ve lost your custody. And with what? 😉
P.S. This is an interesting source.
Nevertheless, the child can get sick afterwards by the blood. I would’ve given this as a doctor and I wouldn’t have presented it to the media.
I’m sorry, but where are we going to go if you’re allowed to put a claim to the blood cannula in case of an acute risk of life? What’s next, my child only takes blood from vegan children? Or just white people?
I had donated blood myself as a parent.