Kinderwunsch mit 31/57?
Ich bin 31 Jahre alt und möchte mit meiner Freundin (57 Jahre) Kinder bekommen. Gibt es Behandlungsmöglichkeiten?
Ich bin 31 Jahre alt und möchte mit meiner Freundin (57 Jahre) Kinder bekommen. Gibt es Behandlungsmöglichkeiten?
Wenn ihr Frauen Kinderwunsch habt, ist dieser mit Partner/Mann verbunden oder eher Kinderwunsch als Single/alleinerziehend, also wenn ja sich schwängern lassen anonym und ohne partner Kind erziehen?
Hallo zusammen, ich habe einen schwangerschaftstest gemacht der direkt einen leichten strich hatte jedoch hab ich dann darauf den tag noch einen gemacht der blieb aber auch so schwach. Kann sein, dass mein HCG Wert zu niedrig ist da ich erst morgen überfällig bin oder sind die tests einfach falsch und ich bin nicht schwanger…
Hey, bekomme ich damit ein sofortiges Beschäftigungsverbot vom Frauenarzt? SSW 7, ständiges Erbrechen, also ich sitze wirklich morgens abends und sogar nachts vor der Toilette und muss noch übergeben. Ständig hoher Puls ab 100-120 Ganz leichte Blutungen alle 2-3 Tage Schwindel, sehr extrem bin 2 mal Zuhause umgekippt Arbeite als Pflegehilfskraft und mein AG will…
Hallo zusammen und zwar habe ich gestern Morgen das erste Mal nach absetzen der Pille meine Periode bekommen (mit 20Tagen Verspätung). Seit gestern Abend hab ich sobald ich auch nur leicht in meinen Unterleib Drucke (etwas unter meinem Bauchnabel mittig und leicht nach rechts) total die Schmerzen. Und nur sobald ich drauf drücke. Ich hatte…
Hallo Ich möchte hier eine Frage stellen und es geht um Schwangerschaft. Ich musste meine Tage am 22.2.23 bekommen und bin heute schon 16 Tage überfällig. Ich habe natürlich sofort Schwangerschaft Test gemacht aber es war negativ. Ich habe heute wieder ein Test gemacht und diese Test war auch sofort negativ. Ich war schon Ende…
you are a couple who should accept the common reality.
And this requires you to understand that she should reasonably forego a pregnancy of 57 years. The desire for ‘own meat and blood’ is understandable. But it is also conceivable that you change your attitude together and adopt a child, for example.
Your current wife is then your stepdaughter exactly taken 😅
Children you can forget about 57 😕 would be really violent. If they’re 16 is your girlfriend 73 – horror 😅 or don’t you find it yourself?
On the other hand, maybe a plan for me….where, with 57 I am still too young for it, but with 70 I am grown enough, I think.
Surely you can be treated. Talk to your psychiatrist.
I can’t help
For the first time, this constellation should be real, respect that she wants to have a thick belly again at age. Very rare. If this is the case, she would be right at the gyn of her trust and certainly not here where you have to deal with predominant lay people.
and if the child is grown up, is the mother 73? That’s too late biologically and you shouldn’t do anything. If you really want children: there are many children looking for a new loving home, so you could take care children or adopt a child.
Want our own flesh and blood
If she’s not in the menopause, that would be possible.
Otherwise, this is not possible with biologically own children. Not from her side.
She doesn’t have eggs anymore, so she needs them.
That’s another woman’s egg. What is also not possible in Germany.
Unprobably and even if, not recommended.
It irritates me something that you’ve been totally weakened by your mother-in-law a few days ago and that you want to have with her children. So is it that you are still married and now sign your mother-in-law as your girlfriend and now even want to get children with her, but not with your wife? Or do you have children with your wife who would be the grandchildren of your mother-in-law?
Yes, there are treatment options. Turn to a psychotherapist. He might have a therapy for this.
Or do you mean a gynecological treatment of your girlfriend? I think that’s very important and can only answer a gynecologist.
Want my mother-in-law to become the mother of my children
If it is not possible biologically – ask gynecologists – then there is still the possibility that they adopt your children who have witnessed or witnessed with your wife.
only 57 children, no more?
It is one of these stories that you can hardly believe: According to tradition, the Russian Vassilyev is supposed to have born 69 children: 16 twins, seven twists and four four fours. This results in Adam Riese 27 births – World record!
Nursing. Own children become difficult at age.
Nursing parents with their age too.
I don’t see that.
Understand yourself.
Sure, only one should be aware of what responsibility one assumes. Nursing children often bring trauma. This can make it difficult, then at the age there is still puberty.
Of course you need to know if you have grown this package. Many people are overestimated. And with 57 you’re not the youngest.
I know. But children over 12 are also nurses.
The office. At least you don’t get toddlers. At 57, the nursing child should be at least 12 years old.
At 57, the train’s gone.
No, I’d rather have a Kundin/F+ mid-50, which can’t get children anymore. There is also a limitation.
Oh, God. Treatment There In The Crap
You can swing a younger and raise the child with your 57 year old pearl. 😂😂😂
Would my friends prefer to swing
You need to know. You can make a big one. At the age of a small child can also be very difficult.
But you must be happy
Does your girlfriend want this? With 57, many women are not even bearable.
She also wants
Why do you ask this? Such questions are discussed with doctors. Or do you want moral answers to your question? With 57 wanting to get a child is probably not supported by a doctor. Apart from the fact that the child’s mother is 75 when the child becomes full-year. I don’t think your question is serious.
Forget it.
Excuse me?
You want to get 57 kids with your girlfriend? I don’t think you’ll be able to do this, because a child is a heathen work.
57 children?
You have to give gas!
Have sex several times a day but doesn’t work
Of course it doesn’t work, your partner is way too old.
It’s just trolling. Unfortunately, he doesn’t even get that.