Desire to have children… More sex = higher probability?

My wife and I are planning to have a child. We used an app to calculate when ovulation will occur, and theoretically everything's clear, but I'm wondering if the chances of having a child are significantly higher if we have sex several times a day around ovulation? The reason for this is that sperm can survive in the body for up to five days anyway. Are there any empirical or guideline values ​​for how often this is advisable?

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5 months ago

Either you are fruitful and then forget the app and the bullshit or it doesn’t work anyway. Some well-known couples waited up to 8 years without prevention until the first child came, with others already petting. Because you don’t know, just keep going normally without worrying about it, because if it works or you can’t even influence it.

5 months ago

No, the more sex the less likely. 2-3 times a week is seen at least purely statistically as ideal. The topic here is that the body otherwise has to “reproduce” too often, which then suffers the quality of the sperm. At the same time, the sperm should not be too old.

But : Just do as you like. If you start to make such a scientific tralala, it won’t work.

5 months ago

The most sensible thing is to leave the contraceptives away.

Of course you can calculate when the lady is most fertile. But I’d just, as you’ve described, have intercourse.

Otherwise, you’re just doing pointless stress. Whether she gets pregnant today or in half a year, doesn’t matter.

Enjoy the fun, someday it will work.

5 months ago

I was pregnant four times and the first shot was enough to get pregnant.

But it is different from woman to woman.

What is decisive is: sounds like a lot of pressure you make. Better leave it; then it usually works harder when the head works against it. Let’s go. Don’t count fertile days or something. Just have as much sex as before without prevention. And as soon as it wants to work, it works.

5 months ago
Reply to  mbasawako

If you’re pressured, you’ll be less easy. 🙁

5 months ago

I don’t have sex with my husband permanently around the clock. If I only have sex during ovulation times and get pregnant from it… well: first shot a hit. 😅

We’ve always got condoms and if we wanted me to get pregnant, we left it.

5 months ago

You can forget the app, it’s usually not true. Simply relax every 2 to 3 days have sex.

More sex does not increase the likelihood.

5 months ago

Have a lot of sex on the fertile days. After sex, your wife can best stay on the back with higher-bearing pos so that the sperms get better to the womb.

Let your sperm control.

Smoking, drugs, ciffs and fertility.

5 months ago

Per ovulation there is a chance of 20% for pregnancy and 30% will go back before the NMT.

It can take up to 1 year to work with healthy couples.

5 months ago
Reply to  mbasawako

Maybe your swimmers are a little lazy.

Every month a woman hasmaximum six dayswhere she can get pregnant. The probability of pregnancy is about 20 to 30% for women aged 18 to 30.From 35 years olddecreases to about 10 to 15%.

Source: Pregnant days calculate & become pregnant | Elevit®

5 months ago

It is recommended to have sex around the fertile days – best every 2-3 days. To determine when you are really fertile, you should start following your cycle – to measure the basal temperature and observe your cervical gland. I can recommend Trackle

5 months ago

Well, clearly, the more often you have sex during the fertile days, the more likely increases.

5 months ago

So we had 1x GV in the fertile period and were 3x pregnant

5 months ago
Reply to  mbasawako

per child it worked 1x and I was 3x pregnant

5 months ago

What many do not know, it doesn’t matter how often you have sex, but how good the quality of sperm is. Of course, nothing is against having sexual intercourse in the fertile days of the cycle of women, but that is not a guarantee of pregnancy.

5 months ago
Reply to  Skully87

Of course, nothing is against having sexual intercourse in the fertile days of the cycle of women, but that is not a guarantee of pregnancy

Of course, there is no guarantee of pregnancy, but if you do not have sexual intercourse during the fertile days, there is no guarantee of pregnancy.

In this respect, not only does nothing speak against sex during the fertile days, but sex is absolutely necessary for pregnancy.

5 months ago

I don’t know. I just know, I couldn’t testify “on order” to children.