Kinderquad Batterie-Alternative?

Hallo an alle!

Ich habe ein Kinderquad, welches jetzt ca. 4 Jahre in der Garage stand und nicht 1 Zentimeter bewegt wurde. Es sollte alles funktionieren, aber die Batterien sind schon ca. 11 Jahre alt und funktionieren nicht mehr.

Es sind 3 Parallelgeschaltete Batterien dieses Types verbaut gewesen. Aber ich finde diese Batterie im Internet nicht.
Das Ladegerät schafft eine 36V Spannung auf 1,5A Stromstärke.
Könnt ihr mir Alternativen empfehlen, welche auch funktionieren könnten?
PS: Der Elektromotor hat 800W

Vielen Dank!

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11 months ago

This is a 12V / 12Ah small battery, see here:


You may find them cheaper if you are looking for this 12V/12Ah with the dimensions.

11 months ago
Reply to  IchDirk

The original has only 6Ah

11 months ago
Reply to  ghost40

If the mech. This is not as relevant as the capacity is larger here.

Similar to cordless phones, many are delivered with only 400mAh, but we use 800mAh and higher.

The charging takes longer, but the operating use is almost twice as long as the “normal” supplied and used batteries.

11 months ago

There could be two already. 3 * 6Ah are 18Ah, with 2* 12Ah you already have 24Ah, so even more capacity than originally.

However, then each battery has to provide more power, because it splits on all batteries. If it’s designed, it’s not a problem. If not, it could be that the battery is broken faster and the quad no longer has so much power.

The battery in the ebay link does not have a nominal current in it, so you can only try it out. If you decide to take others where a current is specified, 800W is about 67A at 12V, which must be able to provide the batteries in total.

11 months ago

The internet is full of comparison types, jier e.g. 12V 6Ah battery, AGM Bleiakku, B.B. Battery HR6-12, 151x51x94 (lxbxh), Pol T2 Faston 250 (6.3 mm) (

2.440.000 entries found in 0.45 sec

11 months ago
Reply to  ghost40

Thank you.

11 months ago

Just look at the battery dealers after lead batteries with the same dimensions. Do not have to be the same type, not the same capacity. But the same voltage and three equal ones on the other.