Kindergitarre bei easy jet Flug mitnehmen?

Hii, ich fliege bald mit easy jet und möchte eine kleine Kindergitarre mitnehmen. Ich habe kein großes Handgepäck gebucht und weiß nun nicht, wie viel es mich kosten wird, wenn ich sie trotzdem als Handgepäck mitnehme?

Oder wie hoch das Risiko ist, sie doch in mein Aufgabegepäck(einen Rucksack) zu packen, das sie dann kaputt geht…

Hat jemand eigene Erfahrungen?

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2 months ago


This is different for all airlines. Lufthansa allows one and forbids the other. At Condor it’s different and so on. On the side of Easy-Jet:

Each passenger may take a small hand luggage per person on board for free.

It shall not exceed the maximum size of 45 x 36 x 20 cm (including handles and wheels) and shall be kept under the front seat. This should be enough to take the basic for your trip or for a short holiday. Your baggage may weigh up to 15 kg. But you must be able to lift and carry your luggage yourself.

I don’t think your guitar is particularly stable at any rate. That’s why you shouldn’t give it up. I personally only know it from Frankfurt Airport and the airport of Mallorca. If the piece of luggage is placed on the conveyor belt. Drive it into a kind of shaft. This is about 4 meters deep. I don’t know if your guitar survives this unhindered case without damage. There it lands on another baggage band and so on. In total, almost all airports in this world are quite heavy with luggage. Even when loading on the plane.

Of course I can’t guarantee anything.

This is to be read:

I hope I could help you with this.