Kindergeld bis 27 Jahre bei FSJ/BFD?

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,,Einem über 18 Jahre altes Kind steht bis zur Vollendung des 27. Lebensjahres Kindergeld zu, wenn es ein “freiwilliges soziales Jahr” oder ein “freiwilliges ökologisches Jahr” nach den jeweiligen Förderungsgesetzen ableistet.”

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2 years ago

No, with the completion of the 25 years of life, there is no child’s allowance for healthy children, even if they are still in education or studies.

Children’s allowances can be unlimited for disabled children if the disability was already present before the completion of the 25 years of life and the child cannot thereby secure his or her living.

There is or gives a special arrangement with regard to taking into account, for example, dispensed military service or comparable services.

But the conscription was suspended in 2011, so there are no more than 12 years.

Although the age limit of 27 is still found on the Internet, this is no longer the case, it is also seen that these reports usually refer to an income limit and that has not been discussed since 2012.

2 years ago
Reply to  Madeleine0498


On the GdB – it doesn’t necessarily happen, has one of 40, the disability must prevent you from being able to deny your living, I have already written in my answer.

There are many disabled people who can work with a GdB – 100 full-time and thus secure their livelihood, there is no entitlement to child allowance.

2 years ago
Reply to  isomatte

Thank you for your star!

2 years ago

My last knowledge is up to 25. And that’s generally maximum.

2 years ago
Reply to  Madeleine0498
