,,Kinder brauchen viel Liebe und Beispiel und wenig Religionslehren?

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Ich soll für den Religionsunterricht die Aussage von Carl Hilty ,,Kinder brauchen viel Liebe und Beispiel und wenig Religionslehren ” interpretieren. Nur fällt es mir extrem schwer, irgendeine Lösung dafür zu finden. Kann mir jemand von euch helfen?


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1 month ago

Hello ThomasAnetz09,

you can’t flatter it.

Religion teaching can convey a great deal of knowledge about religions in general and their faith contents and images of God. This can create a faith that can lead to unity with God.

In the sense of God’s love, the free space would also open to a young person.

Where, however, religionisms mediate themselves with a subject of religion, which may be used exclusively for teaching, this takes young people free spaces where they then think that religiousisms are a kind of truth.

Where unity with God and freedoms speak around in the love of God, and give other people the opportunity to also fulfill these freedoms, religionisms that then speak around, may also take these freedoms to other people.

It is therefore the love of God, which, from today’s point of view, can be represented without faith and plausible, which can be pre-lived and imparted.

Best regards

1 month ago

that can be interpreted in such a way that children are especially influenced by the games they are pre-lived and by love, rather than by rigorous or frequent religious teachings…children understand the principles of a religion better when they grow up in a loving and respectful environment that really excels these values…