Kinder bis zum 15 Lebensjahr kostenlos Bahn fahren?
Hi, auf der Website der deutschen Bahn steht das Kinder (6-14) kein Ticket brauchen wenn eine Begleitperson ( ab 15 Jahren ) mitfährt. Heißt das, das ich (14 jahre) kein Ticket brauche wenn meine Freundin (15 jahre) mitfährt?
Children from 6 to 14 years of age are free of charge, accompanied by travellers from 15 years of age, but must be specified when booking. A subsequent entry on the train is not possible.
When travelling exclusively in local traffic, a free take-away is usually valid for up to 3 children.
Yes, you can ride for free, but only if your girlfriend writes you on her ticket as a child. :
Book tickets for children – Deutsche Bahn
Yes, since December, it’s just going to the DB tariff. In the transport networks, their own rules apply, which are often different. But in order to say that, you should know where you’re going.
But your friend must register you on her ticket.
Bzw on ticket purchase a child (i.e.) add…
LG, I hope I could help you and good ride you,
Children are people up to 13.
No, the other must be an adult relative
That’s wrong, where did you get that information?
Seems to be overtaken. is three years old (from the railway side)
Children under 15 years of age are free of charge with a parent or grandparent part if they are given upon purchase and registered on the ticket. In other accompaniment or travelling alone, they pay 50% of the regular fare. A
since December actually no longer
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