Kinder Aufsicht, Kinder Betreuung, Kinder Erziehung?

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe ein Dilemma. Unsere Nachbarin hat eine kleine Tochter 7 Jahre. Oft, wenn ich auf den Balkon gehe, sehe ich die kleinere Tochter auf den Balkon spielen… Jedes Mal bekomme ich Herzinfarkt. Die haben dort eine Bank stehen und die Tochter setzt sich praktisch schon fast auf die Kante und ist am Wippen… Jedes Mal wenn ich das sehe kommt mein Herz hoch, da ich selber Kinder habe und vielleicht doch überempfindlich reagiere.

Soll ich sowas melden? Was meint Ihr?

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2 years ago

Why report?

Tell the mother.

2 years ago

Talk to your neighbor about your worries. Could the child come to you to play if the mother can’t take care of the daughter?

2 years ago

This is not a case where you have to report to the youth office. You can, if you’re very worried about it, if the little one is alone, she may not get it.

But I don’t understand the bank. She flies to the floor at most but not out of the balcony? This isn’t super dramatic for the first time, so does she learn.


2 years ago
Reply to  Lelo999

Then you should make them aware and keep watching.

2 years ago

They have a bank standing there and the daughter almost sits on the edge and is on the rocket… Every time I see this, my heart comes up, as I have children myself, and maybe I’m oversensitive.

Basically, it’s not bad if a child sits on the edge and ribbed. It is already 7 years old and if it falls on the ground, then it will certainly not do that anymore.

Or is your fear that it falls from the balcony? Is it that this might happen?

I think you should talk to your neighbor once that you’re worried about her daughter’s safety. Maybe she will change the bank so that there is no danger that the daughter will fall from the balcony (if this is your concern).

In principle, however, this is not a case to report to the Youth Office. They have quite different problems and here should always be looking for a personal conversation with parents.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lelo999

I honestly don’t understand why you let your children play on the balcony. And if only under supervision. If the case of the child actually falls from the balcony, the mother can deal with all the authorities as she violates her supervisory duty. In your place, however, I would not be able to see and continue to fear. I would recommend you to talk to the mother, sometimes they are quite different than accepted. If that doesn’t help you turn on the Youth Office.

2 years ago

Look, I’d report the case.

2 years ago

The question would of course still be whether the balcony is secured or not? However, this should not be a playground for children. Do the children play alone or are the parents there? If all this is not true, I would definitely report it to the jA.

2 years ago

Talk to her. If nothing changes, talk to the office. This is life-threatening.

2 years ago

Talk to the mother about your observations. Perhaps she is not aware of the danger.

2 years ago

just talk to your neighbor