Kind mal einen Klaps geben oder es am Ohr packen?

Findet ihr es schlimm, wenn dem Kind mal ein Klaps gegeben wird wenn es frech ist oder ein Elternteil das Kind am Ohr packt?

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1 year ago

It is important to understand that physical breeding in education can have demonstrably negative effects on the mental health and development of a child. Physical punishments, even if they are “light” like a claw or packing on the ear, can cause children to develop fear of parents, suffer their self-esteem and get problems in dealing with their own emotions.

It is far more effective and healthier to solve behavioral problems with quiet conversations, logical consequences and positive amplification. It is important to teach a child why a certain behaviour is not acceptable and to show him alternative behavior rather than physically punishing it. In addition, it may be helpful to give a child room to express his feelings and frustrations, and to help develop positive management strategies.

It is also important to note that physical breeding is illegal in many countries as it is considered as a form of child abuse. Education should always be based on respect and understanding, not on fear or pain.

1 year ago

Hello Agathe68, 👋

Give a kid a buff or grab it at the ear?


physical (gaps, pull on the ear, other

beat, hold, etc…), how psychic

Violence (e.g. shouting loud, blocking, etc…).


Do you think it’s bad if the child gets a clap when it’s naughty or if a parent grabs the child?


This is definitely bad and should also – as

other acts of violence – consistently

be avoided! Such “measures” are

harmful to the child and also bring

nothing… on the contrary! parents,

the children physically and psychologically

mistreat, are absolutely OWN and

such people should be better

no children!

LG 🙋🏻

1 year ago

It’s bad. And the children learn that the violent is going through. When parents think they are “respectful” by violence, respect is confused with fear and the children are usually violent themselves to fear others.

Children learn real respect by respecting them and their borders.

1 year ago
Reply to  Machtnix53


1 year ago

Civil Code (BGB)

§ 1631 Content and limits of personal care

(1) The provision of personal care includes, in particular, the duty and the right to care for the child, to educate, supervise and determine his stay.

(2) The child has a right to care and education, excluding violence, physical punishments, mental injuries and other degrading measures.

Law says, “Yes, that’s bad.” As I find it is therefore completely irrelevant.

1 year ago
Reply to  HelmeSchmitt

So you’re running around here with the lawbook and paragraphs ?🤪🤣🤣

1 year ago
Reply to  Rucksack90

He doesn’t understand.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rucksack90

No, his child 😉😂

1 year ago
Reply to  HelmeSchmitt

He speaks of education and not of punishment and violence.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ani2003

the beating of children is a punishment: child abuse and body injury. child abuse has nothing to do with education

1 year ago
Reply to  HelmeSchmitt

mental injuries and other degrading measures.

If you’d just think about this Pragraph text, you can say that everyone who has a child is already in prison with a leg.

This is probably the most ignored and unreacted part of the law that is at least respected, but most disregarded.

$a is a clap to the ear or one on the butt very harmless.

but the harmless is punished, the sequel is covered and even partially supported.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kosmike

Your answer in this thread has been deleted. Good luck!

1 year ago

Still standing there, once again reason has won.

That you can still drive your innocence here, that doesn’t speak of seriousness.

1 year ago

50 years of research with a clear result

In the analysis of 50 years of research on the subject, no single advantage of occasional blows could be found. But many negative consequences.

Children who regularly get a clap are more often opposed to their parents. They are more aggressive and unsocial. The reason for this is obvious:

“The irony is that most parents give their children a clap when they are aggressive. The child learns that you should beat to get what you want,” said Gershoff to the American station CBS.

In addition to behavioural vulnerabilities, mental problems and cognitive difficulties also belong to the possible consequences of this education measure.

Children who often get a clap have a lower IQ

This can also affect the intelligence quotients of children, as a study by the University of New Hampshire from 2009 showed. The scientists had observed more than 1500 children and their parents over four years.

They came to the conclusion that children between two and four years who regularly got a lap had an average of five points lower IQ than children who were not beaten.

“The more often they get a clap on the Po, the slower is the mental development of children”, summarized Professor Murray Straus, who led the study, summarized the results.

Every second child in Germany is beaten

A Forsa survey of the magazine “parents” from 2012 has shown how widespread sleep is still as an educational measure.

More than 1000 German parents were interviewed in the representative study. The frightening result: 40 percent of parents admit to giving their children a clap. The dark digit is certainly higher.

However, that they “beat” their children is really aware of the fewest parents:

“We use the word ‘laps’ as euphemism to feel better with it. But it’s still beating. One cannot describe a claw without using the word ‘slapping’, said Gershoff.

Exercise without violence

Parents can also educate their children without using physical violence, the scientist is convinced.

No child deserves to be physically or verbally injured. For example, to make yourself aware of when your own behaviour is injuring, you can ask yourself whether you would deal with your partner in this way or how you would feel yourself in the situation.

This method is amazingly effective to make yourself aware of how words and deeds can work. Children are much more sensitive than adults – we have to make ourselves aware again and again and again and behave accordingly.

1 year ago

Violence never stops

What happens to children who occasionally get to a claw

Surveys show that still scary many parents beat their children – with extremely negative consequences. But how does it look with a little claw? Science provides clear answers.

When you ask parents if they beat their children, most of them would probably react in an outrageous manner. Fortunately, that children should not be beaten is now aware of most of the Papas and Moms.

But how does it look with a little claw? He didn’t hurt anyone, did he?

Many parents seem to believe that. Because as a Unicef report from 2014 shows, 80 percent of all parents in the world have already missed their children.

Of course, a claw doesn’t necessarily have to hurt. Often he should be the signal that a child has gone too far with his behavior. He’s supposed to show limits to the child.

In truth, it is a method with which parents make it easy – while their children suffer from the consequences for some time.

Violence never stops

Even light blows affect the development of children. A meta-analysis of studies from 50 years of research has come to this conclusion. Scientists from the University of Texas and the University of Michigan have compiled the results and published them in the journal “Journal of Family Psychology”.

In total, more than 160,000 children were examined with a view to the effects of an occasional claw on their development.

“We have found out that there has harmful effects and does not lead to children beinghave better immediately or in the long term, what parents usually want to achieve when they give their children a clap,” said Elizabeth Gershoff, co-author of the study.

While most parents believed that a lap was something completely different than hard blows, however, as it was shown, both have “the same negative effects on children, to a slightly lesser extent”, said Gershoff.

1 year ago

Also shouting is violence

By the way, yelling is also a form of violence. No such direct but frequent shouting has similar effects on children such as beats or earfeits. That’s why we parents shouldn’t let us become a habit of getting loud. With some exercise, you can learn to “learn” this kind of aggression and get a better hearing.

The most important thing about mistakes in education is not to do no, because that does not create a parent. But the essential thing is to work as parents, to admit maladministration and not to be too proud to apologize for wrong behavior with his child. In this way, parents and children develop together and learn children: even mom and dad are not perfect, but they work on themselves. This encourages children to deal constructively with their own mistakes and make it better next time.

A great book with day-to-day tips on this topic: “Add without freaking out” by Sheila McCraith. Our tip to the end: if you are bound by your education, contact our online advice. We’ll be happy to help you!

1 year ago

Add errors and seek the conversation

But what if the minds are suddenly cooked up and the hand just slipped out? There are situations where one does not really handle oneself and does something that one regrets afterwards.

And that’s exactly what it’s all about: that when you’ve made a mistake as parents, you’re clear. If you actually slipped your hand, it doesn’t make you a bad father or a bad mother. And also not that the relationship you have built with your child is now destroyed by this incident. Because the most important is always the sum of the experiences that a child makes with his parents. But you should take seriously that something went wrong. You should think about how it happened and how to avoid such behavior in the future.

Excuse me and look for the causes for your freak out

First, you should apologize to your child. As you live with your child, how to deal with mistakes: by admitting them and letting others know that you’re sorry. Take your child in the arm (if it likes), go to his height and explain to him that it was not right that you hurt him. Explain that you were very stressed at this moment and you’re sorry you were so freaked out. Say that you never want to do this again and ask your child to apologize.

Ask yourself:

  • What was the trigger for your freak? What exactly did your child’s behavior put you on the palm?
  • What happened before? Have you been stressed/careed/in unclean with yourself for a long time?
  • What needs are or were perhaps not fulfilled, which made you feel so badly? For example, rest, time for me, sleep, exchange with adults…
  • How can you better take care of yourself to not be so stressed? For example, schedule small rest periods during the day and/or evening, relax the partner or grandparents on the weekend and do something nice for you, do more sports…
  • What did you realize you’re getting angry? For example, heat flashes, angry thoughts, heartaches…
  • What can you do next time you notice these signs to get out of the situation instead of explode? Options are for example: Say that you have to drink a short time to the toilet to get a distance. Breathe three times deep. Ball the fist, count five and let go again. Think about a retire (“I stay calm, my child doesn’t mean it evil.”
1 year ago


Physical violence against children is prohibited

The fact is that physical violence against children is prohibited in Germany. Point.

So if someone claims to be sleeping

or even only “light lap” would be in

All right, that’s just wrong.

This also has its reasons, because violence as an educational method causes great damage to children: the trust in the parents as people who think it is good with the child will be shaken – even if they think it is so good. The child’s self-esteem is attacked because it receives the message that it is such a bad person that his parents must give him pain (even if the parents justify it differently).

Parents are role models – unfortunately also in punishments

Children learn on the model of their parents. When parents are allowed to hurt their children, children learn that violence is a legitimate way to persevere. Studies clearly show that children growing up with physical punishment become more aggressive and that their mental health suffers from it. They are not even more pitiful in the long term, as one might think: the children who have a warm, loving relationship with their parents usually listen to them best.

All parents should know that.

in no case earrings, lap or

Use similar as an educational method.

1 year ago

And have no idea of child education and pedagogy…

1 year ago

Thank you. I learned enough.

The study of human medicine + WB to the FA was completely sufficient, even with regard to children who were beaten by their parents!

I wish you a good Sunday!

1 year ago

You’re talking about another topic…

1 year ago

You should learn to understand terms, law and pedagogy before you bother me.

1 year ago

No one’s trolling here. Unfortunately, there are people who can or do not want to understand.

Hitting a child is always violence and a crime in Germany. Good luck!

That says enough:

1 year ago

You have no idea and you’re rolling around.

1 year ago

you don’t understand that we realized

1 year ago

Yes, without exception and without excuse! Violence, of any kind, against children is not at all!

1 year ago

Yep. A child learns to imitate during the first years of life (especially parents) The behaviour of the child can be traced back to the behavior of the parents. That means that the child will be calm, you always have to stay calm. Doesn’t work. Gives a lot of studies.

Moreover, one can clearly derive from the upbringing of animals that does not help.

1 year ago

I was lucky to be the only cousin who didn’t strike as an educational measure. My mother and her siblings come from Turkish origin and Gernerationstrauma is real.

I’ve always witnessed that my cousins and cousins were beaten on my head for little things. What did they learn? Instead of dealing with their problems, they look how they get out of the situation quickly. It is true all they have on the social media is that children who have been educated with violence will learn to hear on footsteps, look busy, lie without bad conscience, etc.

As I said, my mother never wanted to beat as an educational measure because she found it terrible at that time. I was given an earfeige in my life two or three times. I was never afraid of my mother after that, but it did not help the causes of the situation, but only decreased until the next time (I was finally diagnosed with 19, allegedly a Borderline personality disorder). My mother knew and didn’t believe that mental disorders could also be in children and didn’t know how to deal with me at my absolute emotional climax.

I find and learned that if one is so desperate with the education that one had to beat his child, then there is a mistake in education or the child.

1 year ago
Reply to  ninix0908

I must also say that the BPD came from my inability to deal with my emotions. Sometime I learned to deal with my many and different emotions in puberty and it stopped. However, this took time and also made my nerves clear.

I also believe that not every situation has a traumatic prey. Education is not the parents alone. Sometimes the children get out of control because they learned it from outside. In these situations I would rather be the wall, in contrast to hope and wait until my child finds the wall and runs against it. Generation trauma is real and can also show up with the best. The main thing you see is what hurts the child. Hitting as an educational measure is 99% of the time one.

1 year ago

Yeah, that’s bad.

And it’s really bad that there are such incapable and violent parents who do that.

1 year ago

I’m opposed. Children are not allowed to be beaten, but I can understand the moment when some parents burn through the fuse.

With my daughter and me, there was only one similar situation. I was reworked, alone, and she was in puberty. I was about to pull her to the ear. Just before I was on her ear, I couldn’t, and we both had to laugh about it. We’re still laughing about it from time to time. I could never touch her.

1 year ago
Reply to  0000hi

There’s no violence on the way!

1 year ago
Reply to  Rucksack90

Do you want me to pull a crow? That can be very painful.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rucksack90

In my eyes. There are various stages and forms of violence.

If it wasn’t violence for me, I would have done it.

1 year ago

This is an absolute no-go!

Every child has the right to a non-violent education.

In Germany, the stroke of a child, including earfeits, etc., is a crime. Good luck!

1 year ago

The question is difficult to answer.

Teachers today would say – indiscusable, is not at all, that is violence and is condemned. I am sure that she is right.

The child would of course wish not to be treated so, it is humiliated, has pain, loses confidence in the parents.

The gap lies in the fact that there are parents and situations where these specific parents are mercilessly overwhelmed and “does not work”.

Of course, these parents could go to the youth office for education or at worst.

I would say that if the IMMAL occurs because the parent is really overwhelmed for personal reasons and because of the child’s continuing behaviour and “does not work” that he tries to apologise the behavior, then he becomes aware that this is not possible and he seeks help (and apologizes to the child and says that he has exceeded a limit that you normally must never exceed!)

However, the focus should also be on how this dynamic could be achieved, why the child behaves provocatively, which the parent has previously contributed to whether there are other factors and how to deal with them in the future.

Are you saying: No, parents are not allowed to abuse children physically, beat, pull on their ears etc., ABER they should not just find out that their child is permanently provocative and “not helps” – whatever means “not that we have fallen into and that we have tried”, which is rarely really “everything”! – but find causes and also from a competent side reliable and tested (!) Tips or Get ideas to deal with such a behavior.

This means that they don’t just try out any influence tips from any other parents or volunteers, but really tried, psychologically well-founded tips from real experts in dealing with similar behavior, i.e. experts who have to do this every day in practice and respond to pedagogical-psychologically based on it, not simply with their own co-founded hypothesis!

It is always best to call in such a case when you decide to hit now, want to go out, at worst to call someone who stays with the child and walk around half an hour or go straight to friends etc. and calm down again – then the child should have regained – to come home and contact experts (education advice) the following day. Perhaps NOT ask other lay people in any parent forum, but really turn to experts. Questions: How do I deal with it appropriately and what do I do, against my helplessness and over-request in the situation, how do I reverse DAMIT, how can I make it that my child does not have to provoke and I will not be caught in a loop of over-request/gery/ despair/ helplessness and abandonment/incapable feeling?

1 year ago
Reply to  Tasha

that hit by children is child abuse and is consistently displayed

1 year ago

I think it’s bad. Hitting or violence against children is not for free.

Surely the one or the other may say: yes such a claw isn’t bad, it doesn’t even hurt properly. may be, but you still send out the message: punching is okay.

1 year ago

Absolutely. It’s a slip for the adult. For the child, it’s a traumatic memory that never gets rid of it.

1 year ago

Violence in education is not (more) so good nowadays. And there are very good reasons for that!

1 year ago

Yeah, I don’t think so.

1 year ago

Yes, it’s bad and has serious consequences. The child loses confidence and respect, gets fear and learns to solve problems by violence.

Moreover, the likelihood of suspicion, addiction, conspicuous social behaviour and mental illnesses rises due to such behavior of parents, precisely when it takes place during the shaping years of children.

1 year ago

It’s illegal.

1 year ago

I’ve experienced both. Until I was almost 13. My problem: I had lived abroad most of the time and had no youth office on my side. That’s how I was able to “detail”…

1 year ago

I don’t care about the law and legal situation in this respect if my child would seriously insult me (son, w*chser, etc.) or worse still try to physically attack me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Godlore

You want to correct your failure in imparting respect (in the positive sense) and appreciation to parents (Du+x) by applying physical violence. Find the mistake, Tip it is not in society, the environment or teachers.

1 year ago
Reply to  habakuk63

I would have liked you as a father, who can be pushed around and insulted.

1 year ago

I have three children, and they have been raised to 100% without a single clap on the diaper or on the fingers. I was severely beaten by my parents because they thought “that would be the last possible educational measure”. That’s my 16th. Year of life completely stopped as I was significantly stronger than my parents. I had sworn to never beat my children and pulled it through to this day.

Education without physical violence does not mean “there are no limits” or “you can do anything anyway.” There are rules whose compliance is controlled, and violations of the rule result in sanctions, always and immediately.

I am convinced that a rule whose compliance is not controlled and non-compliance is not sanctioned is a superfluous rule. Children and young people are testing us every day, and if we do not work consistently on the implementation of our educational rules, then we are guilty if these young people have no appreciation and no respect.

1 year ago

No, it’s not bad. Was normal with us, too. If you look at the children and youth of today, then they would do good to the strenge!

1 year ago
Reply to  Rucksack90

No, that’s not “normal” at all! It’s just a whole lot of people who tell you that nonsense.
Hope you don’t have kids!✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

1 year ago
Reply to  Rucksack90

what’s wrong with you

1 year ago

If nothing helps, absolutely necessary limits must also be enforced.

You don’t do a favor to the child if it doesn’t get certain limits at a decisive point. It’ll always tick off later and assume that nothing happens to him anyway. It’s going through to adulthood.

1 year ago
Reply to  User343434

that beat and violence against children does not help at all and are punished

1 year ago
Reply to  User343434

If nothing helps, absolutely necessary limits must also be enforced.

Complete nonsense from the last century!

It’ll always tick off later and assume that nothing happens to him anyway.

What stupid logic.🤦🏻 ♀️

Such a nonsense only tell completely incapable people who should not be parents!

1 year ago

Just roundhouse kicks and nuts are okay.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rango82

You seem to suffer from youthful bullshit…🤦🏻 ♀️🤦🏻 ♀️ ♀️ ♀️

1 year ago

that hit by children is a punishment. child abuse has nothing to do with education

1 year ago

Klaps (not hit!) on the butt or sometimes on the fingers, I find ok if other doesn’t fertilize. You can’t grab the ear.

1 year ago

A squirrel has not hurt any child yet and belongs to the education when the child is naughty, does not hear at all or puts himself or others in danger. I’d never shy my kids if they bring a bad note home or make something wrong out of mistake, but very likely if they bang the door and throw a “right, shut up” at my head. If you don’t recognize its boundaries, you have to feel it. Prügel and blue spots are of course a No Go!

1 year ago

A squirrel hasn’t hurt a child yet and belongs to education…

No! Violence is definitely NOT a child’s “education”.

If you don’t recognize its boundaries, you have to feel it.

Your fearful and child-respecting thinking is from the last century.

Such incapable people like you better not get kids!

1 year ago

that hit by children is a punishment and is forbidden. child abuse as you suggest, have lost nothing at all in recovery. in such a case every child is advised to immediately hit you hard and immediately inform the police

1 year ago

What a daring question!

Hardly anything is lied about as much as about this topic.

Today beat, kick, pussy, and pussy children unpunished their parents…

1 year ago
Reply to  Goodnight

If they are properly educated, they do not do this today. only educate people their children meanwhile for many years non-violent and not like neandertal, who are not able today to get clear without child abuse

1 year ago
Reply to  Liverpool1

🤭 Precisely you Germans are strikingly pardoned non-educators and incapable educators, which is also not non-violent when viewed more closely.

Today’s children receive the “beating” directly from life.

Stealing out of responsibility is really mean!

1 year ago

too often too close to the wall? what’s wrong with you

1 year ago

Auweia 🤦🏻 ♀️🤦🏻