Kiffen Übelkeit?

heut Abend hatte ich mir wieder ein gute Nachti gebaut wahren Zirka 0,6 drinne Aber schon wieder kurz vor der joint tot ist mir davon übel und Schwindel aber habe mich gut nüchtern gefühlt ich merke die letzten Male davon nix mehr wirklich manschmal meine Freunde smoken länger als ich und öfter und habe keine übel keit

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1 year ago

Either, stretched dope (nearly not even noids also, certain terpenes that are additionally made to make the otter odour/taste technical and even partially visually “better”) you may not wear the just mentioned artificial terpenes, or artificial cannabinoids that work short, for stronger, but on blossom are only so fine that they are just attached to one.

Otherwise, of course, it could just be because the weed somehow was dried strangely and and

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Well. You’re not your friends. People react more or less individually to such substances. It is only possible to close others by themselves and vice versa that is also difficult.

Nausea is a possible side effect which occurs especially when one takes too much and/or mixes with tobacco. That you feel little noise, speaks for bad stuff or a tolerance that justifies a multi-week tolerance break.

1 year ago

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