Smoking weed?
Do you think smoking weed is bad?
Do you think smoking weed is bad?
I'll soon have to provide proof of abstinence for 15 months. I'll have to take seven tests during that time, roughly every two months. Theoretically, I could have a little taste after the urine test and then, of course, remain abstinent until the next appointment. 😉
Can passive smoking, for example in a room where smoking is taking place, lead to a positive drug test (urine/hair)? LG
Hi, I last smoked two months ago, about 3g a week, and now I've smoked nothing for two months. How long would a drug test be positive if I get three hits?
50ng/ml urine test is negative, so the line is easily recognizable Now I did another 20ng/ml test, and that is also “negative” (the line is very easy to see) could you already drive a car?
I'm an occasional smoker and rarely smoke, and I try not to smoke into my lungs (one cigarette per week). However, sometimes (about every 7th cigarette) I get a terrible stomach ache shortly after smoking. The pain always starts in my stomach, then spreads to my lungs, and then to my back and spine. What…
The term “schlimm” is used only in connection with the use of psychoactive substances. This use is simply risky, so always involves certain risks. These are the higher the younger you are when you take them and the higher, the more common and the more consumed. As soon as you move in dose ranges that can have noticeable effects on perception, thinking or feeling, this is more or less risky.
The use of cannabis is particularly risky in childhood. There are many mental and physical development processes that can be easily disturbed. From a review paper (translated by Google):
Minors should generally avoid the use of cannabis and other drugs. But what does not mean that these substances are automatically good for all adults. There are people with certain pre-disorders and unfavorable genetic positions that should in principle dispense with use. Unfortunately, one does not necessarily know whether this applies to oneself.
Apart from this, cannabis is usually smoked. At worst even in connection with tobacco. Smoking no matter what is naturally always harmful. When burned, toxins are produced which can damage at least the respiratory tract.
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
Yeah, that’s it. Drugs or all substances that change perception, except medicines with medical benefits, are bad.
Basically no.
However, naturally depends on who consumes how much / regularly is consumed and whether consumption has a negative influence on the person’s life.
I think it’s bad. I mean, it’s very bad for health.
Yeah, especially in the youthful age, it’s rough. My nephew literally cut his brains off.
Depends on how often you do it.
3-4 times a week
I’m bad.
3-4 times a year, I’m fine.
Oh haha