
Hallo zusammen

ich würde heute gerne weed rauchen habe das aber noch nie gemacht.

Nun wollte ich wissen ob es für den Anfang okay ist sich eine ganz normale kippe zu drehen und dort in der Mitte neben den tabbak so ca eine Messer spitze von 🥦 reinmache [natürlich benutze ich ein tip]

Oder ist das für den Anfang zu viel?

Danke im voraus ✌️🥳

(2 votes)

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2 years ago

Whoever mixes tobacco among his cannabis, voluntarily uses an extender. Tobacco contains a number of health-related so-called “Tabak additives.”

It is best to inhale cannabis in small doses of about 0.1 g per inhalation. Purpipes are good for that, better Vapos. As beginners do not take more than one, two trains because otherwise undesirable side effects occur, as they have already been described here in GutFrage a hundred thousand times as “bad trip by cannabis” and have always played a role in the questioner’s “psychosis fear”.

It would be right to read “Rauschzeichen” (Wurth and Geyer) and to avoid further possible errors.

2 years ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

that is scientifically wrong

2 years ago

What are you referring to ‘scientific’?

2 years ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

Thx for * (2.099)

2 years ago

When did I say I was a scientist?

2 years ago

I looked after…You are all different than a scientist and your previous questions suggest you need therapeutic help, but don’t understand cannabis

2 years ago

on scientifically proven facts

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Whether this amount is too much or not, you cannot say beforehand. Depends on how potent the material is and how you individually react. “A knife tip” sounds like a rather cautious approach, but it is not entirely risk-free.

Note that cannabis inhales to work within minutes, but it can take up to half an hour until the effects of a dosage reach their maximum intensity. Normal side effects, which cause many unnecessarily stress, are, for example, an increased heartbeat or the feeling that such a condition will never end – but it will be within a few hours. Mixed consumption with tobacco can have an adverse effect on the overall effect.

Apart from this, drugs are best consumed where one is undisturbed and feels comfortable (cf. Settings). In principle, you should only consume if you are physically, mentally or emotionally good. If you want to reduce the risks of unpleasant effects, pay attention.

General information on the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks and indications associated with consumption for risk-reducing handling (safer use) can be found here:

2 years ago

Do not misunderstand, but if you ask such a question with a good question it may be that you may erase it and best leave your fingers dependent on it and can also go back

2 years ago
Reply to  Lausejunge597

Gf doesn’t extinguish it. On the contrary

2 years ago

Best not at all

2 years ago

Leave the fingers of drugs. Marijuana triggers psychosis, panic attacks, anxiety. It also destroys your mental health. Better get a hot wine and have a wonderful evening.