Kies ist braun aquarium?

Ich habe vor 2 Tagen mein neues aquarium eingerichtet und jetzt wird mein schwarzer kies an einigen stellen braun. Woran liegt das? Ich habe ein braunes pflanzensubstrat unter dem kies, vielleicht liegt es daran?

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4 years ago


Kiesel algae – this is the name of this brown covering, which is formed after a few days – disappears completely by itself.

Then, among other things, there is a white bacterial grass, an algae blossom, other algae… all completely normal in a new AQ. It takes a long time and requires a lot of patience until an approximately biological equilibrium is established in the AQ.

4 years ago

These are pebbles. As a rule, they go back so far as they can hardly be seen.

Do not hold greenish fish on this ground floor.

4 years ago
Reply to  eieiei2

Does the ground floor fit for garnel?

4 years ago

Sand is ideal for shrimps up to about 0.8mm grain size, then they can lift up every single grain and look for food below. This is not really important, though there is something to eat in other places. So you can take any ground floor as long as it does not consist of plastic. Plastic parrots splintered or grated by plastic can be confused with food, the microplastic problem should have been shared by everyone.

Your splint is definitely fine for shrimp.

4 years ago


Don’t worry after 2-3 weeks everything is gone.

I have made good experiences with starter bacteria. They help to “induce” the biological balance.

PS: Save it, so you can only extend the run-in phase. Gedult is particularly popular now.

LG and continue a lot of fun with your AQ!


4 years ago

They’re probably algae. They usually disappear from themselves.

4 years ago

Algae or Mulm, is super fertilizer for the plants!