Kieferverspannungen. Geht das irgendwann mal weg?
ich hab seit mehr als einem Jahr starke Nackenschmerzen die schon chronisch sind denke ich. Man sagt mir dass das vom Kiefer kommt da ich so ein CMD Syndrom habe. Es zieht überall hin. In Kopf, Ohren, Arme und Brust und das schlimmste sind die Nackenschmerzen und eine schlimme starke Benommenheit. Habe schon alles versucht. Zahnschiene, physio, osteopate, Orthopäde, Wärme, Salben und noch so viel mehr aber nichts hilft. Was kann man denn da noch machen? Langsam wird’s nicht mehr erträglich und schränkt mich im Alltag wahnsinnig ein.
You should visit a specialized dentist. Someone who rises CMD, Gnathology, Functional Analysis and Functional Therapy. Or when you live near a university, you go to the university clinic and treat yourself there.
Dentists in your environment, with this special training you can find on the Internet. A established dentist without this additional training can usually not help you with a dysfunction. A pine orthopaedic is also the wrong contact person here.
Thanks for the star 🙂
You’re in orthodontic treatment? What does he say?
If he no longer knows (or you feel that it is) I would think about a change. Was with mine, too, the rail of him has brought absolutely nothing more, with my new orthodontist it became with rail and then Brackets much better.
As a short-term help, I had ‘Aqualizer’ rails, which were great and have led quite quickly to the pain being less.
I was at the orthodontics for a long time, but it went back and forth for 9 years and then I had no desire and no strength. I’m a dentist who is actually always mega good, but now the rail doesn’t help anymore. He said that if it doesn’t do anything, you should think about an surgery, but I also heard a lot of negative things.
Maybe I should try another pine orthopedic. I’ve heard about the surgery, but I’ve heard from both of them.